𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10

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Ricky's POV
"You are coming to Chicago for two weeks tomorrow since you have have a two week break because of your teachers and there meetings". "Wait I'm what" "yes, I also forgot to tell you that we moved!" " Your cousin Sofia will show you around town , she even goes to the  Chicago Dance academy around the corner!"it is very hard to get into that school ". "I can't go"I blurted out. "Ricky you need to come visit". "I know I want to but Nini goes to the dance academy". "Oh wow your girlfriend goes there now!". "Mom we broke up". "Oh um well you maybe won't see her and if you do just don't talk to her ok". "Alright fine".I said  I guess I'm going to Chicago "!

~ 1 day later~
"Ricky Hi!" "Hey mom I said running up to hug her". You have grown so so much". Alright so you know your cousin Sofia". "Yup hi". "Hi she said. "Well she is going to show you around this town". "Ok". "Let's go"she said. "So how've you been Sofia asks. "I've been ok I say". "How about you?" "I've been good" she says. " Why don't we go get some coffe in this coffee shop right here". "Ok sound good to me". We sit down and start catching up on how we been and stuff I left out all the Nini stuff I don't know she may know her.

Nini's POV
"I want coffee let's go to the coffee shop!" "Ok let's go said Samantha. "Wait for me"yelled Avery . We walk and in 3 minutes we are there. I open the door and see a firmilular curly headed boy sitting with what looks like my friend Sofia. "No am I dreaming, this can't be happening". I quickly turn around and walk out the door. "Nini what happend?" "He's here". "No way". "Aww maybe he's visiting you". "No his mom lives  around here and he's talking to Sofia what are they a couple now?!". "I'lol go"ask Avery says, "don't say I am here!" I tell them. "Ok".

Avery's POV
"Hey Sofia!" "Oh hey Avery". "So who's this are two-"! "Ewww no!" Sofia blurted out! "He's my cousin"! "Ohhh makes sense". "So your Ricky right". "How did you know"he asks curiously . "Oh I mean well Duhh Nini". "Wait you know Nini!" Sofia says. "Umm he knew Nini I mean they dated"! Avery blurts out! "Omigosh Ricky were you not going to tell me"! "Ok well we are going to go see Nini so see later at class". " Bye"says Samantha.

Nini's POV
"What did you guys say!" "Oh well first of all there cousins"! Omigosh right her  last name is bowen! "We may have said some stuff like how you guys used to date to the conversation oh and how we new Ricky's name because of you but it's true "! "You guys"! "Well he's here for two weeks". "So are going to talk to him they ask". "I can't if I do I know I will fall more in love  with him". "Aww Nini"! "I'll just have to ignore him if I see him". "Well let's go we are going to be late for ballet!"

Hii! Ahh Ricky is in Chicago!! Also Tysm for 1k reads and for 10k on the first one!! Comment thought predictions on today's chapter!

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Hii! Ahh Ricky is in Chicago!! Also Tysm for 1k reads and for 10k on the first one!! Comment thought predictions on today's chapter!

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