𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 23

412 11 4

Tw: Mention of blood
Nini's POV
I wake up and look up to see Ricky but when I look at the bed he was gone. Wait was I dreaming. Did Ricky die. Did he lose to much blood from the big cut he got from the glass. Did I imagine that I made him better and that he was ok. All these thoughts came swarming in my head. I started to panic. I didn't say goodbye. My breath started to get heavier. I fell like I couldn't breath. The room was getting really hot.Tears started to come down my face. I put my hand down on the floor to try to catch my breath but I didn't realize that there was still a peice of glass on the floor. "Oww"i cry out. My hand started bleeding. I tried to grab my phone I was shaking. I tried to write on Twitter help. I waited for someone to come but know one. My visión got blurry. I tried to grab a napkin to try to stop my hand bleeding but to late next thing you know everything went black.

Avery's POV nini wrote help on her Twitter I told the others

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Avery's POV
nini wrote help on her Twitter I told the others. We all looked at each other and ran as fast as we can to Ricky's hospital room to find Nini unconscious on the floor blood was all over the place. "NINI" i yell out. She was still breathing thank goodness. "We need to call a doctor". Says red.
Big reds POV
"Mike we need a doctor for Nini". I tell mike everything and we get a doctor fast. "Oh Nini"says Mike. The doctor takes her out of Ricky's hospital room and puts her in her own room. "We are afraid she lost to much blood." "We won't lose her right it couldn't have been that much blood"says Mike. "We are going to do a blood work test". "I think she should ok". Said the doctor. The nurse cleaned nini's wound up and bandaged her palm. They woke her up with the smell of rubbing alcohol. "Nini"we all said. "You guys is Ricky dead?" She asks softly that we can barely hear her. "No he had to get X-rays of his head today" I say. "Nini what happened-". "Is Nini ok we heard Ricky". He ran into this room he seemed fine. Better than ever.
Ricky's POV
I had just finished with. X-rays of my head and the do tee said I am good to go. I felt so much better. He did say that I would have to take a break from football burp I can go back soon. I immediately here my dad calling nini's family saying she is hurt in the hospital. I run to get room and find are whole group surrounded by her. "Is Nini ok!". I ask. She looks pale. My hand is still recovering from earlier this morning. "Nini what happened"I asked her. "Well for are friends that don't know this morning Ricky had a bad dream has a panic attack then he tried grabbing his water but accidentally knocked the flower vase down". "Now Ricky got cut pretty bad". "I the called a doctor we fixed him". "Yeah anyway". She says softly. "Today I found Ricky gone". "I don't know why but all these thoughts were swarming in my head like "did he die?" "Did I not save him?" "We I dreaming ?". "I started to panic and so I tried to catch my breath so I put my hand some on the floor not nothing that there was a peice of glass there". "It cut me bad!" "So then I blacked out". "But before
that i posted on Twitter help". "I feel so tired".
"Nini you overthink to much"I say joking. "She smiled then closes her eyes soon falling asleep. Hi I am Ricky and my life well it's kind of crazy.
Hii! I hope you all enjoy today's chapter 🥺! Poor Nini 🥺! Comment and vote

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