Chapter 7

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"Loki?" You walked down the hall. He was at the table eating pop tarts. "You know, I see why Thor likes these so much. They're actually quite tasty." He said.

"I haven't had a pop tart in ages." You stopped dead in your tracks. That wasn't a voice you recognized. Loki saw you standing at the end of the hallway. "Ah, Y/n. This is Taylor." He stood, and smiled sheepishly. "Hi..." she smiled. You only stared blankly. "She's Dr. Selvigs new intern. He introduced me yesterday after you'd fallen asleep. Said she was a fan of mine." He said.

You pursed your lips, trying to bite back tears. "How are you feeling?" He walked over to you, raising his hands to cup your cheeks. You pushed his hands away, bristling with anger. "Y/n I-" you held up your hand, silencing him. "I feel fine. Have fun with Taylor." You turned around and left.

You walked outside to the balcony, and leaned over, hanging your head down. A few quiet sobs came, and you shed a few tears, but that was it. You were turning to head inside when you heard a faint whimpering. Confused, you looked around until you saw a tiny puppy huddled in the corner under a sheet of newspaper. You immediately started crying again, because hey. A tiny helpless puppy huddled in the corner in the cold with no food or water-(FUCK IM ACTUALLY GONNA CRY.)

"Hi's okay, I won't hurt you." You sat down on the ground, and held your hand out to the small animal. "I'm a friend, see?" You said quietly. The puppy looked up at you with wide curious eyes, and inched its tiny head closer to your hand. "That's it..." you smiled, wiping your tears. The puppy licked your hand, and you were finally able to pet him.

"See? That's not so bad huh? You're a loner like me aren't you?" You stroked the dogs head. "You sure are pretty. Or handsome." You smiled. "I'm gonna pick you up, is that alright?" You said gently, your hand reaching under the little puppy.

"You're a handsome puppy. I'll name you..." you looked at the dog, and saw he had a brown patch of fur on his snout, surrounded by the rest of his golden fur. "Bear. Hi Bear!" You grinned. "I think you and I are gonna get along just fine." You smiled.

"You could use a bath though... maybe I'll go wash you in the kitchen, huh? How does that sound Bear?" He barked. "Oh my god you're adorable." You grinned, and walked back inside, and into the kitchen.

"Y/n I- is that a dog?" Loki stopped. "Where'd your girlfriend go?" You said coldly. "Work." He said. "So she is your girlfriend." You said, filling the sink with water.

"Lady Y/n! Is that a dog?" Thor came running over, a big smile on his face. "Thor, meet Bear." You held Bear up to Thor, and he licked the god of thunders nose. "He is quite adorable. Where did you find him?" Thor asked.

"I was out on the balcony... and he was curled up in the corner, covered in dirt, so I brought him in to wash him." You said. "Okay Bear, I'm gonna set you in now..." you lowered him gently into the water. At first Bear was scared, but eventually he started splashing around.

"Well, I see you like water." You laughed. "What the hell is that?" Steve walked in with Tony and Nat. "Guys, meet Bear! The newest Avenger." You grinned. "He's cute." Nat said, walking over. "Hi Bear.." she smiled.

"She found him on the balcony, all scared and alone." "Yeah, I figured since he was already here, we could give him a home. He obviously didn't have one. He looked like the runt of his litter, that might've been why he was alone up there." You said sadly.

"Well I don't see why you can't keep him." Tony said. "Well I was going to keep him even if you'd said I couldn't." You smirked, wrapping a towel around Bear. "You must be hungry." You cradled him. "Here." You handed Bear to Steve.

You looked in the cabinets for something a dog could eat. "I had a dog when I was young that liked carrots." "Carrots?" You looked over at Steve. "Yeah, she was real weird. Maybe you could try that with Bear?" He said. "I could. Or I could give him this leftover shredded chicken from last night." You smiled. "Or that."

You pulled a bowl out and warmed the chicken. "Here baby, eat up." You smiled, and took Bear from Steve. "What species of dog do you think he is?" Thor asked you.

"He looks like a golden retriever. I'm not sure, they typically don't have brown spots on their noses. He could be a mutt." You said. "Well I think he's cute." Nat said.

"I should probably go to the store..." you said. "Can I come?" Loki asked. You looked at him coldly, and walked straight past to your room.

"What'd you do?" Tony smiled. "Taylor." He said. "You and the new girl?" Tony laughed. "We're not together. I was being nice, and Y/n jumped to conclusions." He said. "Uh HUH." Tony rolled his eyes. "Besides, shes mortal." He said.

You ransacked your bedroom looking for your wallet, which you found at the bottom of a bucket on your shelf. You were quite responsible. You grabbed a pair of sunglasses and headed out. "Hey bear...are you finished eating?" You said in the voice that everyone uses to talk to their pets. "You wanna come with me? Wanna come with mommy to the store?" You smiled, and bear licked your face.

"Why won't you let me come with you?" Loki stood behind you. "You can tag along, but only if you say please." You said. "Please?" Loki said without hesitation. You were shocked for a moment, but you shrugged and walked to the elevator.

"So. Taylor huh? Quite the ladies man... kissing one girl one night, and shmoozing another the next morning." You stared down at the puppy in your arms. "Believe me. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't have kissed you." He said. "You like me?" You looked up at him.

Loki pursed his lips, cursing himself in his mind for his lack of awareness to the words leaving his mouth. He sighed. Better now than never. "I do." He said. "Really? I mean for the past few years you've ignored me... I mean not completely but we were never close until recently." You said.

"Well I guess you could say I've got somewhat of a crush on you." He said, staring at the doors. It took everything in you to not squeal. "Wow." You said quietly. "Is something wrong? I sense unease." He said. "No no, nothings wrong, I just... wasn't expecting you to confess." You said.

The two of you walked out into the garage, and found your car. "Hold him will you?" You handed bear to Loki. "He is rather cute." Loki smiled softly. "Oh? Does the god of mischief have a soft spot for puppies?" You smiled. "Have you ever met a person who didn't like puppies?" You laughed. "I guess you're right."

"So...what now?" You looked over at him, gripping the steering wheel. "Well, I'm assuming because you don't like me ba-" "Woah woah woah. Who said I didn't like you back?" You stopped him. "Well after this morning, the way you reacted I just- I thought..." "You're talking to the woman with the worlds shortest temper, need I remind you." You pointed at him. "I see." "Well I guess, what I'm trying to say." You leaned over. "I like you too. And if I'm being honest I have for awhile. I've always had something for the god of mischief." You smiled.

Your lips were mere centimeters from his face, when you heard a little bark come from below you. You chuckled. "You want some attention too do you?" Loki looked down at Bear and smiled.

I felt bad about just one super short chapter after a long wait for it, so double update today! Let me know what you guys think!

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