Chapter 8• Back for the holidays🎄

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Your POV
It was close to Christmas and I had planned on going back to Nevada to spend time with my family. Ondreaz and Tony were also coming back but were leaving a few days before me.
I wanted to spend some time with the girls before we all went away, I had been so busy with dance I just wanted/need girl time. The boys were flying out today so I offered to drive them to the airport. We pulled up to the airport and Help the boys get their stuff out of the car. I turn and give Tony a hug first

You- I'm gonna miss you🥺

Tony- it's only a few days and you'll be back home with us

You- I know but still" I say looking up at him

Tony- I'll miss you too" As he let's go I turn to ondre and give him a hug

Ondreaz- you gonna miss me?" He asks with a smirk

You- pfft you'd wish" I rolled my eyes playfully

Ondreaz- oh I see how it is" and let's go to walk away

You- hey" I turn him around and pull him back for a hug, he wraps his arms around me waist

You- hey" I turn him around and pull him back for a hug, he wraps his arms around me waist

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You- I'm gonna miss you don't worry" I whisper to him

Ondreaz- I'll miss you too" he whispered back

Tony- dre we gotta get going

You- yeah I'll see you guys soon, text me when you land okay" I say as I let Ondreaz go

Ondreaz & tony- bye y/n

As they walked towards their flight It was hard to watch them go. Apart of me wanted to go with them but I knew I only had a few days until I'd be with them again. Hugging Ondreaz made it so much harder to let them go, all I wanted to to continue that hug. Ugh Why am I thinking like this?!?!

Ondreaz pov
Y/n was driving us to the airport. Tony and I were going back to Nevada for the holidays, I was really excited to see my parents. We got to the airport and got our stuff out of y/n's car, she gives tony a hug first the turns to me

Ondreaz- you gonna miss me?" I asked with a smirk

You- pfft you'd wish" she rolled her eyes, it kinda hurt to hear her say that

Ondreaz- oh I see how it is" I was kinda sad by what she'd said but why did it hurt

You- hey" she pulled me back for the hug and I wrapped my arms around her waist. This is what I wanted, but it makes it harder to leave. All I wanted to do was stay with her but why?,it was starting to bother me. Why did I care so much?

You- I'm gonna miss you don't worry"she whispered

Ondreaz- I'll miss you too" I whispered back

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