Chapter 14• Catch up day with Tony💜

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Your POV
I walk back into the living room and see Tony talking to Thomas but then looks at me. He flashes a quick smile then runs towards me before lifting me up into a hug

Tony- oh I miss you so much" he says into my shoulder

Y/n- I missed you too, how was home?" I asked

Tony- it was good, dad's a lot better. I wish you came back with us though

Y/n- maybe next time" We pull out of the hug and Tony signals Michael to come over

Tony- Micheal this is my best friend y/n, y/n this is Micheal Le

Y/n- nice to meet you in person, you're a really good dancer

Micheal- nice to meet you too, your dances with the boys are awesome

Y/n- awww thanks, did you enjoy your trip to Nevada?

Micheal- it was good really"
We talked for a little bit but then saw Ondreaz walk over and stand by Tony. I tired to not pay attention to Ondreaz so I keep talking to Micheal. He was a pretty cool guy to meet.

Micheal- hey after I set up do you wanna make a tiktok with me

Y/n- sure sounds awesome!

The boys walk off and I head to kouvr's room.

Ondreaz pov
We had an early flight back this morning but we didn't tell anyone we were coming back. We open the front door and saw the boys walk out of the kitchen and run towards us and started yelling, it was good to be back and see the boys. Not long after I see the girls walking back into the house

Charli- why are you guys yelling?
All the girls come around the corner and stop dead in their tracks, then I see y/n. It was so good to see her after being away for a few weeks but then she turns away with kouvr and avani, the others come up and talk to us but I was really put off to why y/n didn't come over. I Think she might be a little mad that I haven't talked to her since that night. I do plan on talking to her but I just don't know when to talk to her. I see the girls walk back in and Tony runs straight to y/n and picks her up for a hug. When he did that I felt a wave hit me, all I wanted to do was go to her but I didn't know how to make the situation any better. She started talking to Micheal so I to go over to hear the conversation.
Micheal- hey after I set up do you wanna make a tiktok with me

Y/n- sure sounds awesome
The boys and I walked away up to our room, I was pretty annoyed that Micheal asked her to do a tiktok, yeah I know there's nothing wrong with that but I felt like I was getting pushed aside
End of pov

Your POV
All the girls were already in the room when I walked in, avani, kouvr and I filled them in on what I was feeling and they all pretty much said to no overthink it and to continue having fun. We talked for a little more but remembered that I was gonna do a tiktok with Micheal, I ran down stairs to see him and Tony looking for me

Tony- y/n!" He yells

Y/n- you don't have to yell I'm right here" I giggled

Tony- we thought you ditched

Y/n- I was just having a conversation with the girls

Micheal- no problem, let's do some dances

We did a few dances for mine and Micheal page and it blew up pretty quick. The we head down to the pool and hang out for a bit and do pool fights. I was on Addison's shoulders and Tony was on Micheal's shoulders. We were about to win then Micheal tickled the bottom of me feet which made me move around so Addison lost balanced and fell Into the water. We watched nick and ryland go against paper and Calvin and laughed watching ryland fall off nick, then I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn to see that it was Tony

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