Chapter 31 • Lake havasu pt.2🛥

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Paper- he's a little upset but I think he'll be better when he sees you" I nod my head and gave all of them a hug and said goodnight before going into the room

Recap over
Ondreaz pov
The boys toke me to mine and y/n room after Tony and I nearly got into a fight. The way he spoke to y/n was wrong, I wasn't going to step down this time even if he's my brother he wasn't going to talk to anyone that way.

Ondreaz- I can't believe he spoke that way" I yelled as I threw my bottle towards the bed

Alex- dre just calm down, yes he shouldn't have done that but let everything cool off and start off fresh tomorrow

Thomas- it's not worth getting into a fight, he's your brother just talk it out tomorrow bro" he says as he puts on of his hands on my shoulders

Ondreaz- I know I know but I just can't believe he continued and he could see she was upset" I hit my hand on the wall before sitting on the bed

Paper- it's not worth getting worked up bro, just relax

Ondreaz- where is she" I say into my hands, I could feel my eyes starting tear up

Thomas- she's still in the living room with the girls

Ondreaz- can you get her, I just need her right now" I say feeling as if I'm gonna break

Alex- sure we will get her

Your POV
I walk into the room and see Ondreaz on the bed with his head in his hands, I go to him and kneel in front of him and move his hands away from his face. His eyes were full of tears but you could see the anger through them

Y/n- just breath, I'm okay" I say trying not to break in front of him, I was hurt from Tony but I need Ondreaz to be fine first

Ondreaz- what happened?" He said with a angry tone

Y/n- I went to hang out with him while everyone was in the shower and he said I had no time for him anymore" I say as a tear ran down my cheek. Shit

Ondreaz- hey it's okay, I'll deal with him" he goes to stand up but I pull him back down

Y/n- please, just leave him" I burst into tears

Y/n- I should have known and now I've lost my best friend

Ondreaz- it's okay baby, I'm here. We will sort it out" he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me

After crying for a few more minutes I start to settle down. I pull myself a way from him to see his face, he gives a soft smile and wipes the tears from my cheeks, he truly was something. No matter what state of emotions I'm in he's always there.
I go for a quick shower to clean myself up, as I'm getting into my pj's Ondreaz comes over and gives me a hug.

Y/n- thank you for helping" I say into his chest

Ondreaz- anytime mamas, I'm always going to be there" he kisses the top of my head.
We both walk to the bed and drifted to sleep

The next day☀️
As I slowly start to wake up I see Ondreaz is still asleep. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, his little snores and how his bed hair is messy. I could look at him for days like this, I smile and go to see what the time is on my phone. 7:30am.
I knew I wasn't gonna fall back asleep so I got up and went downstairs to get myself and ondre some breakfast. By the looks of everything no one else was awake so I decided I was going to make everyone an açai bowl.

Ondreaz Lopez• where we first beganWhere stories live. Discover now