Chapter 20 • reset button🧭

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Your POV
I feel like I'm slowly starting to wake up, I could hear noises around me but the motivation to get up wasn't there. I could hear Tony and Ondreaz talking but not to loud. Eventually I roll over to where I could hear them talking and slowly open my eyes.
Tony- morning y/n

Y/n- morning" I start to sit up and realised that I'm not in my room, I was in Tony and Ondreaz's room but how did I get in here and when did I fall asleep?

Tony- are you feeling a bit better?

Y/n- just a little headache. Umm how did I get in here?

Ondreaz- you worked yourself up with everything that happened and you blacked out

Y/n- oh" I felt so embarrassed after yesterday but I was just so mad at everything

Tony- just chill out for a bit, I'm gonna make you something to eat and get you something for your headache" he walks out of the room leaving Ondreaz and I alone

Ondreaz comes overs to where I was lying down and lays next to me. We just look at each other for a while I'm silence. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say or if I was going to say anything at all. After last night I was still so confused to what was going through Ondreaz mind that lead him to not talking to me for almost a month

Ondreaz- what are you thinking about" he says in a quite voice. He looked really upset

Y/n- just about last night

Ondreaz- which part?

Y/n- me getting angry with you and Tony" I felt so bad that I yelled at Tony, I was just so pissed off that I just got upset

Ondreaz- you have every right to be upset with me y/n. I'll explain everything you want to know

Y/n- can you please tell me why you did it. I remember you told me last night but why did you felt like you had to distance yourself

Ondreaz- I felt like something happened between you and tayler, tayler when he usually tries to get with a girl he gives them an up and down look and when he try's to make a move when he sees a shot

Y/n- but he didn't make a move with me all he did was help me get paper to his room then he went to sleep

Ondreaz- and I know that now, he explained to me that the reason he didn't make a move was because...umm

Y/n- Ondreaz because why?

Ondreaz- he didn't make a move was because he could tell that I.... liked you. So when I thought something had happen between you guys I wanted to stay away because I felt like it would hurt" he looked down at the last part.

After all of the worrying because I thought I did something wrong was for nothing. He worked himself up over something that didn't happen. The words "he could tell that I liked you" kept replaying.

Y/n- why didn't you ask me?

Ondreaz- Im so sorry, I overthought it all and I didn't know what you were feeling and when sebastian started to happen. I felt like New Years meant nothing to you" his voice started to get really shaky. It kinda hurt that he felt that way but I guess i did rub it in his face with the whole Sebastian thing

Y/n- Ondreaz, im sorry I made you feel that New Years meant nothing and I didn't purposely try to rub Sebastian in your face. If I knew all of this I would change it

Ondreaz- can we just hit a reset button" he says with a not so confident smile

Y/n- I'd like that

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