Chapter 33• Uneasy🤨

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Your POV

Today Olivia invited all the girls out for lunch which was a surprise but it gives us girls a chance to know more about the new girls before we all move in.
We all got to this little beach side cafe and all order our food, while we sit waiting for our food I decided I wanted to get to know these girls a little more.

Y/n- so tell us a little about yourselves" I asked while I toke a sip of water

Darianka- well I'm from cost rica but move to Florida when I was little and I do modeling

Olivia- I'm from Florida which is how I met Darianka and became best friend and I'm dating someone who's also on tiktok

Y/n- oh really?

Olivia- yeah I'm dating kio from sway

Kouvr- oh wow, the sway boys haven't come over for ages

Olivia- I'll have to convince them to come over when we all move in

Mia- what about you Nikita and kelianne

Nikita- well I was born in Belgium. I'm half Vietnamese and Latina, I'm transgender and that's pretty much about me" she said proud

Y/n- Oh wow

Kelianne- Used to do gymnastics. I was on the National Acrobatic Gymnastics team.

Mia- everyone has awesome background while I've got nothing exciting" she laughs

After lunch we all head back to the hype house since we had nothing else on for the day. We go through the front door and see most of the boys taking photos in similar jumpers and t-shirts
Not long after Ondreaz runs down the stairs towards us, he finally gets to me and picks me up for a hug

Ondreaz- I've missed you" he says before giving me a kiss on the cheek

Y/n- I was only gone for 2 hours" I laughed

Ondreaz- I still missed you" he smiles

Mia- what's up with the boys and the clothes

Ondreaz- oh yeah, Tony and I have been working on our own merch. So the boys are just promoting it

Y/n- that's awesome babe, could I possibly have one of the jumpers

Ondreaz- of course mamas, I'll go get you one

Nikita- dre can I get one too" she said a little flirty

Ondreaz- ahhh sure, don't see why not" he said a little unsure

I wasn't sure how to feel, yeah I know Ondreaz and I are together and I trust him and know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I feel like I'm just unsure how to react with Nikita. Maybe I'm just overthinking it all. After being lost in my thoughts for however long I come back to reality

Kouvr- earth to y/n" she waves her hand in my face

Y/n- sorry kouv what's did you say

Kouvr- you all good" she whispered

Y/n- yeah just spaced out" I brushed off

Ondreaz pov

The last few weeks Tony and I have been working on our own merch, it was the day before we release them so we decided to promote it so our fans know that it's coming out.
Y/n asked if she could have one of the jumpers which I obviously fine with, not because she my girlfriend but it's showing support. Nikita then wanted one which was alright but it was just the way she asked kinda through me off. I go to mine and Tony's room to get the jumpers for both y/n and Nikita, as I'm just about to walk out Tony, Nikita and larray come into the room.

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