Chapter 43• Harder😣

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Tony's pov
I arrive at the gym and head straight inside to see
Y/n with an ice pack on her hand and starting to calm down

Tony- what did you do to her hand" I ask fishing over

Tayler- she got a bit angry and punched the bag a little to hard, it's only jarred

Tony- how you feeling

Y/n- little better I guess

Tony- okay how about we get you back to the house so you can rest up

Y/n- okay, can we get something to drink on the way home please

Tony- sure

Your POV
I thank tayler and Cody for today's before heading  to Tony's car. We stop at dunkins to get ourselves a drink before making our way back to the house, once we arrive we go outside to see everyone in the pool.
As decided to dip my feet in the pool and talk with the girls for a little bit. Few minutes into talking I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see that it was Ondreaz

Ondreaz- ummm can I talk to you for a bit

Y/n- ah yeah sure

I get my feet out of the pool and we both walk back Into the house and sit at the table.

Ondreaz- how did you hurt your hand

Y/n- boxing, I hit the bag too hard" I said bluntly

Ondreaz- oh okay" he said a little quiet

Y/n- is it just about my hand cos you could have asked me by the pool

Ondreaz- no ummm, I just wanted to explain my side of that happened

Y/n- dre we-" I was cut of by him

Ondreaz- please just let me get this off my chest" he said while his voice partly broke

Y/n- okay

Ondreaz- I know I messed up when you tried to talk to me about what zoi did, I should have listen to what was said but I didn't think of it. But when she kissed me it was nothing to me, as soon as she did it I pulled away. I could never see her anymore passed then being a friend. I'm so so sorry that she did all that stuff to you and I wasn't there to help and support

Y/n- I just need time to process everything Ondrea. I understand you didn't kiss her but it's the fact that I tried to tell you what she was doing and you didn't even believe what I said

Ondreaz- I know and I'm sorry

Y/n- what's done is done, give me a few days to process this okay" I sighed

Ondreaz- are you saying we aren't together" he asks holding back on tears that were filling his eyes

Y/n- I want to be with you Ondreaz I do but what if something likes that happens again and I get hurt

Ondreaz- I promise I'd never do that again y/n, please" his voice breaks

Y/n- I don't want to lose you dre, just give me time

Ondreaz- okay, can I please have a hug

Y/n- yeah

We both hug and it feels like every other hug we had, I never want to want to let go but I know I need to figure out what's going to happen so we can get back to us again.

The next day☀️
Today is a bit of a better day, after talking to Ondreaz I feel more motivated to figure things out and get everything back on track. My hand is still a little sore but it's manageable.
Most of today was gonna be a chill out day since I'd been feeling a little off, I think it's just from all the stress and drama. But larray and Nikita were thinking of going to a carnival because it's something different. It was almost 5:30pm and the whole house were getting into their cars to head to the carnival, most cars were full expect for Ondreaz's.

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