Chapter 23 •keep it in your pants✈️

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Your POV

Fuck fuck fuck F U C K
I watched the videos and felt tears starting to come up, The girls saw and came to support me

Dixie- I'm sure it probably the same situation as Tony don't over think it" she says as she rubs my back

Y/n- but if it isn't" I whispered

Kouvr- then we will help you get through it" I really hoped that it was just like Tony situation and that it was from a long time ago but I couldn't be too sure.

We all went down stairs and heard the boys laughing in the kitchen. The boys went dead silent as we walked in, I felt all eye on me.
I was waiting for someone to say something but it looks like everyone was scared to say the wrong thing. Looks like I'll be the first person to speak up.

Y/n- yes we seen the videos" ryalnd couldn't help but laugh

Ryland- I'm sorry y/n but it too funny" Ondreaz punched ruland in the shoulder to signal that it was not the time

Ondreaz pov
I got up at 9am next to y/n, it was definitely one of the greatest feelings. She looked so beautiful even when she was sleeping, the past few days have really shown how much I want to be with her. Yeah we might not spend every second of every day together but when we do have our time it's just something different.
After getting to the kitchen I sat with the boys for breakfast. I was gonna ask them on the best way to ask y/n on a perfect date and then possibly even ask her out that night. But before anything could happen I saw something on Twitter that might just wreck everything, my nudes had been leaked.
"Fuck" I slap my hand to my forehead, The boys knew something was up.

Tony- what happened dre" he asked while feeding his face

Ondreaz- my shit just got leaked" I cover my face with my hands and leaned my head back

Nick- your kidding right?

Ondreaz- go see for yourself if you don't believe me

The boys check out twitter and they definitely knew I wasn't lying. They all start laughing which not going to lie I did laugh a bit because I should have been a lot more safer after what happened with Tony. Then the girls walked in and everyone went silent. I could see she had been crying, SHIT she knew what's happened. My heart broke seeing her upset, I wanted to say something but I didn't know the best thing to say

Y/n- yes we seen the videos" then of course ryalnd laughed

Ryland- I'm sorry y/n but it too funny" I punch him in the shoulder for him to know that this is serious.

Ondreaz- alright everyone sit down I'm gonna clear the air about this whole thing" I sit on the kitchen counter while everyone sits at the table. Y/n couldn't even look at me, I wasn't sure if she was embarrassed for me or what

Ondreaz- okay so safe to assume everyone has seen twitter this morning

Charli- sadly yep, I swear you lopez brothers need to learn to keep your dick in your pants" everyone has a little giggle

Ondreaz- sorry charli, always back story behind that it's similar to Tony's. I had met someone but turned out to be a catfish, me being dumb I sent shit to the account. The main point of this so the girls don't kill me is that the videos were from a while ago

Y/n- Ondreaz the videos are you at your house in Nevada, I've never seen you at the house back home so unless you did those when you went home last or something-

Ondreaz- y/n, I have visit my family on and off when I wasn't travelling. The times I've come back home you were always away with your family. If you look at this video it's an old iPhone.

Your POV
When Ondreaz said that the videos were from a long time ago I felt so much better. I'd never been so scared to think that he was possibly like sebastian.
After he finished explaining everything I went over to him and gave him a hug

Ondreaz- you okay?" He whispers

Y/n- I just got worked up and was scared

Ondreaz- hey it's okay, if I saw anything like that of you I'd be a bit scared too

Y/n- I'm sorry that I thought that stuff

Ondreaz- don't worry, I understand. You are allowed to be worried after the whole Sebastian shit, but I promise you I'll never do that too you" I smile and hug him a little tighter

Skip a week
Kouvr and I are taking Ondreaz, Tony and tayler to the airport for a last minuet 3 day trip to Vegas.
We got the boys stuff out of the car and go to give them a hug

Y/n- make sure Tony and Ondreaz don't do anything stupid" I say looking at tayler

Tayler- I cant make any promises, but I'll make sure that they don't do anything that'll hurt them" I go to Tony and hug him

Y/n- can't believe your leaving again to go home without me" I fake cry

Tony- it's a little guys trip for a few days, I'm sure you'll survive like you did after New Years

Y/n- yeah last time you said a few days it was nearly a month away from me" I roll my eyes

Tony- don't worry this time it's definitely a few days" we let go and I head towards Ondreaz

Y/n- I'm gonna miss you" I say as I hug him

Ondreaz- I'll miss you too, I'll message when we land

Y/n- thank you. Now go have fun and I see you in a few days" I go on my tip toes and was just able to kiss his forehead before letting go of our hug.

I watch the guys go through the gates and I head back the house to start packing for the Bahamas trip.

Just another big thank you to everyone who has read this far🤍

Just another big thank you to everyone who has read this far🤍

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