Chapter 12• Did i do something wrong😞

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Ondreaz's POV
Thomas- 5 minutes guys till midnight
We all ran inside so we could get into something comfortable. Tony toke forever in our room so I had to run to one of the boys rooms to quick get changed, I finally get myself sorted and I hear everyone counting down
20- I start to head for the stair, I hear someone start to running down the stair. I'm not too far behind them so I should just make it

15- I'm half way down the stairs and I hear Tony from outside near the pool

10- I see y/n run through the living room to the back door, I start to run the same direction as her

5- I'm at the door seeing her go down the steps towards the pool, maybe this is a good moment to tell her I like her

4- I'm making my way down the stairs to her, maybe this isn't the best time to tell her. What if she doesn't feel the same

3- I gently grab her arm and turn her around. Well I've pretty much started it, I might as well tell her

2- I see her and she sees me, there's definitely no going back now I'm going to have to tell her

1- she goes to say something just as I was about to tell her. This isn't going to work, operation plan B. I pull her towards me and I press my lips onto hers as soft as possible.


I pull her towards the stairs more, so no one saw what was happening. I feel both her hand come to the side of my face, we both slowly pull away
End of pov

Your POV

He starts to move us back towards the stairs more so we have a bit of privacy, I couldn't believe it, we were actually kissing. Butterflies were racing through my stomach, I put both my hands on the side of his face so he knew that I was comfortable. We both slowly pull away.

Y/n- Happy New Years" I smile

Ondreaz- Happy New Years" he smiles back

We both giggled a bit and he stared to move closer again to me, I think he's going to kiss me again. Please let it happen again but then I hear someone walking towards us, Ondreaz moves around me to see who it's is

Ondreaz- happy news years everyone!" He yells

Everyone- happy New Years!!

I watched him walk away towards everyone so I decided to go join so it didn't look weird. The girls run towards me so I put on a smile and run towards them.

Y/n- happy New Years girls!" I give them all a hug

Kouvr- happy new years my babies

Addison- this is going to be a good year

Dixie- I'm so happy I get to start the year with you guys

Charli- I love you guys so much

Avani- let's go and have some fun girls

We all went around and talked to everyone before we all decided to go back inside. By around 1:30am everyone was passed out in the living room while I was putting stuff into the bin. Just as I'm finishing up I see paper run into the kitchen and starts throwing up in the sink.

Y/n- you good paper?" I go towards him to see if he's okay

Paper- just a little too much to drink" he says before throwing up again

Y/n -stay there I'll get you some water and stuff to clean your face with

I go and get paper the stuff to help him clean up but as I come back I see tayler standing with him as paper throws up. After cleaning him up I ask tayler to help me take paper to his room since I wasn't gonna be able to get paper up the stairs by myself.

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