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"You know damn well Gray killed her...the gun i had didnt have bullets"i said squeezing my leg.

He laughed and bent on my level.

"Be thankful we changed the rules and we didnt kill you or your friends earlier." He said.

"You bastard!" I said and he chuckled.

He suddenly grabbed my neck and started choking me. I let go of my thigh and grabbed the pepper spray i had in my sweatshirt. I immediately sprayed him without thinking twice. He let go of my neck and started crying out of pain when the door was heard. I looked at Oscar who was in the floor still crying like a little bitch. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung took Oscar away while the others helped me up.

"You actually used that pepper spray?" Jungkook asked looking at me

"Yeah, you told me it could help me....thats why you gave it to me" i said

(Earlier this morning)

"Hey Y/n! Look what I found!" Jungkook said

I looked at him standing by the door with a pepper spray in his hand. I looked at him confused and put my phone down. He sat on my bed and looked at the bottle.

"I think its empty though" he said

"So what?" I asked

"Jungkook come on we will be late!" We heard from downstairs

"I'm coming! Here keep it somewhere till I come back" he said and gave me the pepper spray

(back to the present)

"I didnt think you would actually need it" he said and went upstairs.

"Is Marilyn okay?" Jin asked worried

"Yeah i bet shes still sleeping" i said and Jin ran upstairs to Marilyn

"Here" Hoseok said and helped me up.

We sat on the couch and he cleaned up my wound. After he was done I thanked him and he opened the TV. We were watching a movie when hes phone rang. He went to the kitchen and picked it up. I continued watching the movie alone when some breaking news popped up.

It said: " The CEO of the JE company is being accused after finding out hes responsible for the illegal selling of drugs and alcohol. Is it the end of the JE company?"

I closed the TV and went upstairs. I heard some noises from a room. I opened slightly the door and saw Jungkook playing in his huge computer. He saw me and paused the game.

"What wanna join?"he asked

"Ermmm sure yeah why not" i said and sat next to him

"Okay, so this is a controller you can jump by pressing this button and-"
"I think i know how to use a controller" i said taking the controller from his hands.

"Okay big girl...dont worry though I'll be easy on you"he said and i tsked

30 minutes later

"Please have some mercy"

"wait till I..... AAAA I WON....AGAIN" i said jumping up and down

"Because you cheated!" He said and threw the remote

"Awwww is my baby Jungkook hurt? But why I only won 1,2,3,4... Oh yeah 15 times" i said and laughed

He laughed with me and put some music.

Author pov

"Does it hurt?" He asked looking at her thigh

"When he shot me it hurt like hell but now thanks to Hoseok i dont even feel it" she said smiling

"I'm sorry i didnt help you earlier i had some work to do and-"
"I didnt say anything, why are you apologozing?" She asked

"Come on Y/n we spent two nights together and i still treat you like shit" he said covering his face

"Jungkook....i like you" she said and he looked at her shocked

"Look, all this is so new to me...and I'm actually glad that its with you. I know you're not what you're acting like you are. I can see it in your're sweet, caring and genuine" she said

"Y/n...I-" he tried to say but the door was heard.

"That must be your dad" she said and left

"I like you too" Jungkook said

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(A/n: dynamite is a bop! I loved their outfits.. So cute)

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