forgiven- CH.16

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I started thinking about my relationship with Jungkook. With him i have only good memories... Namjoons right.. I love him and i shouldnt change that. I should forget about all the sad things and care about my life. I sat up and went back to where we were waiting.

Marilyn was sleeping on Jins shoulder, Jin was sleeping on Namjoons shoulder and Namjoon was drinking coffee. Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin were watching the news while Hoseok was making something like a bracelet.

"Hey" i said and they all looked at me

"Sorry for my-" i tried to say but they smiled at me

"Forgiven" Yoongi said and looked back at the TV.

I stood there awkwardily not knowing what to do. I sat at a chair and played with my fingers.

"Hey wanna help me make a bracelet for Jungkook?" Hoseok asked

"Sure.." I said sitting besibe him.

We made a lot of colorful and cute bracelets. I looked at the clock. 3:30.... I looked at the guys..they were all sleeping.

"I think they should go home...they have to rest" i said and Hoseok helped me waking them up.

After they left i continued making cute bracelets and rings for Jungkook until we fell asleep.

I woke up tired and dizzy. I looked besibe me and Hoseok wasnt there.

"Good morning" i heard from behind me

I looked and saw Hoseok holding 2 coffees and sandwiches. He gave me one of each and sat next to me to eat. An hour passed when the same doctor came out. We quickly sat up and fixed our clothes.

"Good morning doctor" i said

"Good morning. So i have good news and bad news...." He said looking at his papers

"Okay" Hoseok said massaging my shoulders to relax

"The bad news are he had a panic attack this morning around 7. He couldnt breathe properly and was shaking a lot but don't worry hes perfectly fine now. Now for the good news he will be discharged today" he said

"Thank you doctor" i said
"Hes probably done eating, go visit him" he said

"I will call the others to inform them you should go now, ill be there in 10 minutes" Hoseok said and i ran to his room

I opened the door and saw him looking at the view outside. I closed the door behind me and sat on the hospital bed. He looked down and played with his fingers. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. He looked at me with his big doe eyes . how can someone hate this kid?

"I'm sorry, i should have listen to you" i said
"I should be apologizing for playing with you..." He said kissing my hand

"Jungkook... I love you...maybe its too early to say this but i can't keep it inside... I want from now on to show you how much i love you" i said and kissed him.

He kissed me back and put his hands on my neck to deepen the kiss. We both pulled away and smiled. I sat up and opened the curtains. I fixed the clothes the boys brought him yesterday but left an outfit out for today.

"Wait come here for a second" he said and i went close to him.

"What?" I asked confused

"What are you wearing?" He asked taking my hand to spin around

"Ermm a dress..its the same dress i wore yesterday for your parents" I said

"You're so fucking hot" he said

"Wait, i haven't showered, i havent brushed my teeth, i have dark circles, my dress has some blood stains and I'm fucking hot?" I asked looking at him dead serious

"Hell yeah" he said pulling me close to him and grabbing my ass

"Marry me!" I said jokingly

"But first let me..." He said and kissed my neck


(A/n: wattpad wasnt letting me update for like 2 days)

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