rooftop- CH.19

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We were sleeping peacefully when my phone rang. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook's hands around my waist and his leg on top of mine.

"Jungkook... the phone's ringing.." I whipsered

"Mmmmm~" he replied finally opening his eyes.

I laughed at him as I stretched to reach it. I looked at my phone and saw Marilyn:). I answered it putting on speaker.

"Hey girl what up?" I said playing with Jungkook's hair.

"It's me Jin, Marilyn fainted and isn't waking up! I-I don't know what to do!" We heard Jin crying.

"Jin calm down and explain to me what exactly happened" I said and Jungkook sat up straight.

"she was changing and I-I heard her screaming my name but when I walked in the room she was already unconscious." He said

"Okay.. Jin listen to me carefully.. put a pillow under her head and her legs in the air so the blood can go to her brain..." I said

"...okay I did it!" He said panicked

"Is she wearing something?" I asked

"Ermm, underwear, an oversized t shirt and socks" he said

"Take her socks off and lift her shirt. Now go get some ice and place it on her forehead or armpits, it should help" I said

"Okay thanks Y/n, I'll call if anything happens" he said and hanged up

"Are you a nurse or what?" Jungkook asked
"No there were a lot of accidents in the stripclub and we didn't have a nurse so we learned ourselves" I replied

"What kind of accidents? Did you have to give CPR on a costumer?" He asked

"Eww stop!" I said covering my face on his chest

I looked at him and smiled. He took a strand of hair off my face and caressed my cheek.

"Jungkook.. I'm so glad I met you" I said

"Really?" He asked

"Every time I'm with you I feel special...thank you" I said and kissed his hands

"Well you make it a lot easier.. Y/n, do you want to be my forever girlfriend?" He asked smiling

"Hmmm I'll think about it but now..." I said and uncovered us

".....I have to take a shower" I said

(Around midnight)

After my bath Jungkook went to Yoongi's place for business while I stayed home to watch my favorite show. Suddenly the phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but picked it up anyways cause I thought it could be for Jungkook.


"You also answer the phone? You whore" I heard from the other line.

"Excuse me?" I said trying to be polite

"Come in the rooftop of the hospital now!" The girl demanded

"Ermm I'll pass!" I said and hanged up

The phone rang again and it was the same number.

"I swear to god if you call one more time imma-" I said annoyed

"You will do nothing cause I will have already kill Jungkook" she said

I didn't say anything. Who was that girl and what did she want from me?

"I won't repeat myself...I'm waiting" She said and hanged up

I put on my shoes and drove as fast as I could. When I arrived I saw Jessica sitting in a bench and walked up to her.

"It was you that called ?Really?" I said

"Yes now follow me" she said and I followed her

(On the rooftop)

"It's kinda sketchy isn't it?" I said looking around

"Shut up!" She screamed at me.

"Hey don't shout at me! I'm trying to make a conversation since you're just standing there like a fool!" I said

"Okay...what do you want?why am I here?" I asked looking at her

"I want Jungkook back.. you took him from me! It's your fault he broke up with me!" She said

"My fault? How is it my fault?" I asked
"Don't act like you're innocent it pisses me off!" She said and pushed me back.

"Oh bitch push me one more time I will destroy you" I said looking down

"Okay look Jungkook told me he broke up with you 2 weeks ago that's the only thing I know about your relationship!" I said

She chuckled and looked around. When I looked behind me I heard a clicking sound. I looked at her aiming at me with her gun.

"What are you doing?" I asked
"Saving Jungkook from you" she said

"Jungkook was right, you are a psycho" I said

"Yes I am..for him.." she said coming close to me making me move back until there was no more space.

"I would do anything for Jungkook, ANYTHING!" she cried and pushed me back

" you don't love... you're just obsessed with him...because his funny, athletic, smart, handsome and so much more..." I said looking at her

"Shut up!" She screamed

I chuckled and looked around

"You know there's a difference between us.. you fell in love with Jeon Jungkook the son of the biggest CEO and I fell in love with Jeon Jungkook the man.." I said

She looked at her gun and started crying.

"I'm sorry Y/n but you don't deserve him" she said and shot my thigh

"You whore..not my...thigh" I said and she pushed me off the roof.

(A/n: hey hey heyyyy)

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