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The appearance of Xiao Yun caused several men in the private room to walk over. Some people who accompany to play and drink can only stand up and walk aside to stay. Xiao Yun did not sit, and they did not dare to sit as uncles; women did not. Curiously looked at the Xiao Ye who only existed in others' mouths, and Xiao Dao who was touted by countless people on the screen.

Ling Zhi came forward and wanted to pat Xiao Yun on the shoulder. Xiao Yun stopped him with a look. He coughed and said, "It's been a long time, I have forgotten Master Xiao, you have a cleanliness addiction!"

Xiao Yun smiled, stood at the door, lit a cigarette, and took a sip, "It's been a long time. You don't know how to grow, but you only eat, drink and have fun. Don't regret it then."

"Regret? What can I regret? How happy and unrestrained I am now, whatever I want!"

Lexus is a few years younger than Xiao Yun. Although he is not as good as Xiao Yun, he is still a small accomplishment. In addition, he has been in C City for many years and no one dares to move. It is better to change women than to change. The clothes are fast. Since childhood, Xiao Yun has beaten him the most times. And the one he was most convinced was Xiao Yun.

Rong Yipei joked: "I saw Sister Ling Lin before, and I heard that she just shut you up in the room and beat you up. It was only released for a few days, and you forgot?" Just finished speaking, Rong Yipei woke up. Come here, why did you mention Ling Lin? He secretly looked at Xiao Yun's expression, and saw that he was no different, so he was relieved.

Ling Zhi wanted to fight, Rong Yipei stepped back two steps, and Ling Zhi said in an aura: "Which pot is not opened and which one! I am so annoyed. Everyone at home sees me not pleasing to my eyes, so I force me to go on a blind date every day, saying it's the best I can get married this year and get married next year. I think I'm going to embark on the old path of Master Xiao!" Ling Zhi was very upset about this.

His old way? Xiao Yun thought of Yu Yan.

Who doesn't know in c city, the prince of the Xiao family married a woman who had been on blind date for less than three months. No one in the outside world knows that Director Xiao Da married an ordinary woman who is unknown.

At one time, Yu Yan became the object of countless people wanting to peel and envy, but the Xiao family was so powerful that they did not speak, and the outside world did not dare to really announce the news of Yu Yan.

"What am I?"

"Marry a vase and put it home. It's time to deal with the gossip at home!"

Just then a girl in a long skirt came over, "Azhi!" She walked to Ling Zhi's side and hugged his arm, turned her head and looked at Xiao Yun curiously.

Ling Zhi said casually: "Hey, go play inside."

The girl pleased with a smile and said: "Because I like watching Director Xiao's movies, I am a fan of Director Xiao, can I want an autograph?"

Xiao Yun raised her eyebrows: "Sorry, it's not convenient today."

Ling Zhi glanced at the girl. The girl dared to come over because Ling Zhi petted her. At this moment, Ling Zhi looked cold, his smile stiffened, a little afraid, and reluctantly walked away.

The manager came over, "Lord, the room is ready, look?"


Xiao Yun went to Room 1 on the top floor with Ling Zhi and Rong Yipei. When this room was built, it was prepared for Xiao Yun, and the furnishings and decorations inside were all designed according to Xiao Yun's preferences. After he left for half a year, this room was closed for half a year.

This Marriage, I've Given It Away (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now