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Ling Lin looked away, not looking at Ling Yang, and said to Yu Yan: "Yeah, why didn't you see Xiao Yun? I thought you were together. Aunt Xiao and Uncle Xiao are in good health? They are also very lonely in their old house. It's just the weekend here. Tomorrow I will go to Xiaozhai to visit the old couple."

Yu Yan knew that Guo Hang and Ling Lin would definitely be curious why Xiao Yun was not there, of course she was even more curious that she would be together with Ling Yang.

But when they were curious and asked, does she have to answer?

"This is a private gathering between me and my friend." Yu Yan smiled and said to Guo Hang: "The old lady has been talking about you many times, and Mrs. Guo has come to Xiaozhai several times. I have heard the old lady talking about you. Why can't you come? Although I can't get away with work, I still have to rest on weekends and holidays. This is what the old lady told Mr. Guo and Mrs. Guo. I have also said several times that you must go to Xiaozhai for a light meal when you have time. "

Guo Hang was surprised and pleasantly surprised, "The old lady really said that? I thought the last time..."

Ling Lin's heart jumped, she looked at Yu Yan in surprise, and said, "We felt very sorry to the Xiao family about what happened last time. Even if the old lady said it's okay, we can't help but take it to heart."

Yu Yan thought for a while and asked, "You mean you accidentally told you about the old man before? The old lady didn't worry about it a long time ago. Mrs. Guo knows, right? The old lady still persuades you. Time, I thought you already wanted to drive."

Guo Hang frowned, "...Really? The old lady was naive to say that?"

Yu Yan: "Of course, the old lady is the most magnanimous. How can she keep remembering this little thing? What's more, her condition doesn't allow it. If you don't believe me, you will go to Xiaozhai tomorrow to see if the old lady is happy to see her? By the way, the old lady likes roses. If you want to go, bring a bunch of them, she will be happy."

Ling Lin's gaze fell on Yu Yan, her gentle eyes firmly and implicitly smiling at this moment, and her gentleness was hidden under the eyes, and what people saw was her confidence and gentleness.

Ling Lin pursed her lips, feeling unhappy. She looked at Yuyan and said: "Don't worry, we will go. I have bought the gifts too, so you won't bother."

Yu Yan smiled: "Okay."

Guo Hang was in a good mood. He didn't care about Xiao Yun anymore. He said, "Well, we will have time tomorrow. I will visit the old lady. We will see you then. Then I won't interrupt your meal and you continue."

"See you."

The few people bid farewell to each other, Yu Yan felt that Ling Lin's eyes looked at her with more intriguing intentions. Yu Yan didn't care, and was indifferent.

After Ling Lin and Guo Hang walked away, Coco quietly winked with Yu Yan, Yu Yan smiled gently, and Coco curled her lips. She could tell that Yu Yan and Ling Lin had obvious problems. She felt that the woman was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and now she saw it! Both inside and outside make people feel uncomfortable.

Yu Yan looked at Ling Yang and said, "I'm sorry."

Ling Yang smiled and said, "I also caused you trouble."

Yu Yan smiled and shook her head, and didn't care, even if Guo Hang and Ling Lin guessed something randomly, it was not within the scope of her concern.

After the meal, Ling Yang bid farewell to Yu Yan. Yu Yan took out the greeting card that she had kept in her backpack for a long time. She knew he would not care about the money, but she should pay him back. It seemed ugly to give the money directly. She and Coco bought a greeting card in a nearby bookstore, and she stuck the money in it.

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