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Yu Yan didn't expect Xiao Yun to appear here, and she looked like this again, she turned sideways, raised her hand and wiped her face. Fortunately, she removed the makeup from her face when she changed into the Chinese clothes at Xiao's house, otherwise she would definitely be as ugly as a ghost at the moment.

Because she was crying too sadly, she felt painful first.

Xiao Yun took out a handkerchief, handed it to Yu Yan, and said quietly, "Wipe it."

The pure black handkerchief was folded squarely, and was held in front of her by the man's generous palm. Yuyan's eyes fell on it, she shook her head lightly, choked and said, "Thank you, I have a tissue."

She opened the small bag on the back of her body, found a packet of paper from the inside, took out one, and wiped it on her face indiscriminately. Yu Guang saw the man's calmly retracted hand and copied it into his pants pocket.

Yu Yan: "Let's go, let's wait for Dad to come out."

Xiao Yun Ying.

Turning around and pushing open the heavy wooden door, Yu Yan went out first, then he came out.


Yu Yan glanced back, turned back, and hurried to the operating room to wait.


Uncle Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when Xiao Yun came back with a gloomy face.

Yu Yan had already wiped her face, only her eyes were red. She reluctantly smiled at Uncle Xiao, "Dad can't go back today. Mom won't call to ask?"

Uncle Xiao said: "Don't worry, I have already called back and said that I have something to do and I am going on a business trip to the city. I will go back to Xiao's house later, and help Mr. to collect a few sets of clothes. First, Mr. needs to be changed in hospital. , The second is to avoid wearing a gang."

Yu Yan was not relieved, and said, "No matter where he goes, he will call his mother when he goes to bed at night. If he didn't call today, his mother would be worried, right? ..."

"Why don't you just say that it is not convenient to call because of catching the plane, and you are worried about making the old lady go to bed late?"

"Uncle Xiao that can't work." Yu Yan shook his head, "I didn't say this by my father himself. My mother would doubt something, and then asked about it. Instead, she was helpless."


Uncle Xiao turned his head to look at Xiao Yun, and Yu Yan also looked at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's gaze was straight against the operating room, and his head slightly raised, as if expecting the three bright red letters to go out during the operation.

Yu Yan clearly understood that apart from Xiao's father's critical condition and need to worry about, Xiao's mother's situation was even more difficult, because except for Xiao's father's accident was a blow to her, and her own condition was even more terrifying.

And the situation of Xiao's father and Xiao's mother was not a blow to their biological son Xiao Yun?

Yu Yan's nose was sour, and she hurriedly turned her head away.

Xiao Yun: "We can't keep hiding from my mother, she will always know."

Uncle Xiao said: "Yes, it's too much to hide it for a while, but it's impossible to hide it for the rest of your life. You may be able to pass it today, but if the wife hasn't received your husband's call tomorrow, you must know. The husband must also want his wife to accompany him. "

This Marriage, I've Given It Away (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now