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Early in the morning, Yu Yan declined Xiao Yun's kindness and returned home alone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got home, I received a call from my mother: "Yu Yan, you must come back to me today!" Yu's mother is still brooding about what happened yesterday.

Yu Yan said: "Xiao Yun's mother fell on the stairs last night and sprained her foot. She is still in the hospital. It may not be convenient for me to come back today."

When Yu mother heard this, she didn't care about other things, and said in surprise: "Why did you fall? Is it okay?"

"Well, the doctor checked that there was no bone injury. It's just that I'm getting older. To be conservative, he said that he will be discharged after two days. The hospital is also convenient for care."

"Yes, you are in the hospital now? I will go to the vegetable market now and boil the big bone soup to make up for my family."

"No, I went home. I was so rushed last night that I didn't have time to clean up."

Mother Yu was worried, and asked, "Does their family know about your divorce?"

Yu Yan hesitated for a moment, "I don't know yet."

"Hey, you said you, what a good divorce..."

When she hung up while her mother was talking, Yu Yan went to take a hot bath.

She let the hot water hit her face, trying to sort out the clues of the sudden disruption. Mother Xiao's foot hurts inconvenience. As a daughter-in-law, she must go back to take care of her, regardless of whether there is a maid in the family. In other words, even if she is not Xiao's mother-in-law, she should not be regarded as ignorant of Xiao's care and care for her.

If you go back, you will inevitably face Xiao Yun. This is the last thing she wants.

But because Xiao's mother is in the hospital, this may be temporarily ruled out.

Another thing that embarrassed Yu Yan was her mother's strong opposition to and prevention of the divorce, and even sent her relatives in the family to persuade her, with the intention of vowing to never give up if she did not achieve her goal.

Yu Yan remembered that there was a relative who wanted to get a divorce. As a result, everyone who knew or didn't knew came to persuade her, saying all the good things and analyzing the pros and cons, but the woman kept insisting on the divorce. Asked her why, and only said that life was painful and unhappy. But such an answer will get a strange look, Yu Yan has seen it, as if asking her: What is this? It will be over at once.

Another thing that makes Yu Yan the most difficult is that Xiao Yun has no idea of ​​divorce at all. He is unintentional, unintentional, and does not reject marriage.

Other depressions can be overcome, but how can Xiao Yun agree to divorce?

Do you really want to say that you are in love with others and beg him to fulfill? Even if she can tolerate the infamy, she can't make her parents and family members look up.

When Yu Yan rushed to the hospital in the afternoon, Xiao Yun was not there. The nurse pushed Mother Xiao to bask in the garden downstairs, while her mother was talking to Mother Xiao at the moment.

Yu mother is a person who can't hold back any words.

Yu Yan was a little worried that her mother would irritate Xiao's mother by saying that her mouth was leaking, and she hoped that her mother would be able to leak her mouth, at least not having to hide it.

It's a pity that my mother has always been cautious about her children. Yu Yan waited until her mother left, but did not hear what she wanted to hear.

The two had a good time talking, Yu Yan did not say anything to interrupt, took an apple, peeled and cored, cut it into small pieces and placed it in front of them.

Before leaving, her mother pulled her to the hallway at the door and said, "When you have time, you will come home." Although there are many things to ask, it is inconvenient and can only be held back.

Yu Yan nodded: "I know, Mom."


After Sunday, Yu Yan had to go to school during the day, only to see Xiao's mother in the hospital at night after class. But this kind of life didn't last long. Mother Xiao's foot injury was recovering well. She didn't like the smell of the hospital very much, so she cried back home on the third day of hospitalization.

Yu Yan's visiting place was also changed from a hospital to Xiao's house.

Meeting Xiao Yun is hard to avoid. Yu Yan knows this very clearly, so she can only adjust her mentality quickly, because before she officially divorces him, this situation will certainly not be rare.

That night, as soon as Mother Xiao came to rest, Xiao Yun finally stepped out of the study, and saw the gloomy face with the backpack on her way. He frowned almost invisible: "Going?"

Yu Yan said indifferently: "Well, I have to go to work tomorrow. I am too far away from school, I am afraid I will not be able to make it."

It is a perfect answer. Xiao Yun thought.

He watched Yu Yan step down the stairs, the soft soles of the shoes stepped on the wooden stairs, making a slight knock, not too big nor too small, not light nor heavy, such a straight and flexible back, which reminds Xiao Yun of the window. Vine flowers in the garden.

Xiao Yun smiled, for this unprecedented imagination.

He turned and returned to the study to continue working. The casting of the new movie has come to an end, and only the final round of auditions is needed. After the roles are set, the launch ceremony can be prepared. The previous film completed his fantasy of martial arts, and the next one will satisfy his vision of science fiction.

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