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When Yu Yan returned to Xiao's house, everything was the same as before. Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were in the back garden, and she didn't bother her.

The only thing that surprised her was that the aunt seemed to have something to say and hesitated, but when she asked, the other party shook his head and said it was okay, that there was a problem in the family and it was nothing serious.

Auntie didn't want to talk more, so Yu Yan couldn't ask too much, just mention if you need help, auntie said yes, the frown lines on the brows are not seen at all.

At dinner, Xiao Yun still did not come back, and when the entire Xiao house was enveloped in silence, he hurried back from the bustling reception.

Yu Yan was waiting for him. He was not surprised. He unbuttoned his jacket and shirt, biting his cigarette butt and asked casually: "I heard Chen Zhu said that you want a new divorce agreement. Have you figured it out, ready to sign it?"

"Yes." She admitted, "I figured it out. Rather than waste it like this, it's better to solve it earlier. I know those things are worthless to you. If you are willing to give them, I will accept them. I don't know if you have a divorce agreement. Brought it back?"

Xiao Yun breathed out smoke rings and shrugged: "I think too. It's a pity that the lawyer went on a business trip temporarily. He didn't dare to let outsiders handle my information. If you want it, it may take two days."

Yu Yan frowned, regretting that she was so irrational yesterday, that she altered and rewritten the agreement, and then threw it into the trash can because of Xiao Yun's rogue behavior.

Sure enough, when she faced Xiao Yun, she was not as calm and calm as she thought, and he could still easily let her remove her disguise.

Coco's words made her understand that what she gave was always hers alone, no matter what the result was, even the other party didn't care about it or realized it, don't mention how outsiders think and see.

She didn't say much, and went back to the screen.

Xiao Yun pinched his cigarette and laughed.


The next day, Yu Yan asked Assistant Chen if the lawyer had returned?

Assistant Chen replied: "Not yet."

Yuyan, said: "Oh..."

The black cat rubbed back and forth at Yu Yan's feet, tilted the cat's head up, and meowed for something to eat. Yu Yan leaned over and rubbed it, feeling soft in his heart, and said, "Excuse me, Assistant Chen."

"Yes, Mrs. Xiao is polite."

Hanging up, Yu Yan hugged the black cat back to the house.

Assistant Chen touched his chin, a bit unable to understand the current situation. He thought that last time Xiao Yun took back the divorce agreement, it meant that the matter was almost over, and now it seems that it is not the case.

And the time of the lawyer's business trip is really just right...

Yu Yan went to the kitchen to find her aunt and took a piece of boiled beef. The black cat smelled it, and became excited and screamed eagerly.

"Glubby cat."

She put the beef into the black cat's exclusive small bowl, and the black cat can't wait to jump off the ground, and eat around the small bowl. Perhaps it has been stray or hungry. The black cat has a peculiar value and paranoia about food. It has to be eaten in its mouth to be at ease, and when it is eating, no one can provoke it, otherwise it can only be scratched.

This Marriage, I've Given It Away (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now