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Ling Lin and Guo Hang were talking to the old lady in the living room over there. Ling Zhi went to the backyard and glanced at Xiao Yun. Seeing that he was not thinking about Shu, he seemed to be thinking and waiting for something.

He sat down and said strangely: "Why do you keep staring at your phone? You used to be so boring to hold your phone without leaving."

Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows and put the phone in his pocket: ""It's nothing. "

Even if Xiao Yun didn't say it, Lexus knew it well enough to make Xiao Yun do what he wanted, except for Yu Yan. He shrugged and joked, "I don't know you yet? Are you waiting for Yu Yan's call? I heard that they came to see the old lady yesterday, why, did you do something to make people angry? Your madness is superb, but you don't even know..."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes, "Fuck! Don't talk nonsense, I didn't do anything, of course I didn't say anything."

He thought he didn't do anything extraordinary, how could he anger her?

Ling Lin walked out of the room and said, "I know, Xiao Yun doesn't need to say anything, as long as he shows up casually or something, he can kill the gloomy face."

......These words are really heartbreaking.

Ling Zhi quickly took a sip of water and was shocked. Xiao Yun curled his lips expressionlessly. However, his heart was shaken by Ling Lin's words, because he could not deny Ling Lin's words at all. He knew how Yu Yan rejected him. Resist, but...

He thought the situation had eased somewhat.

He hugged her yesterday.

Seeing Xiao Yun's gloomy face, Ling Zhi kindly persuaded: "Oh, don't be too angry. After all, there is no regret in this world. Things that should have happened or shouldn't have happened, and those bad pasts should be forgotten. Let's look at the present and the future...Big brother, don't stare at me like that, oh, let me see Aunt Xiao~"

With Xiao Yun's cold gaze, Ling Zhi ran back to the house in a hug, and gave the old lady a big hug. He could talk with a hippy smile, and only said a few words, which made the old lady laugh. Very harmonious.

Ling Lin laughed, looking at the harmonious atmosphere in the house, and then at Xiao Yun, and said: "When Uncle Xiao passed away, Aunt Xiao was so painful. I thought Aunt Xiao would not be able to survive, but now it seems that she is much better. Have you walked out of the shadow of Uncle Xiao's death?"

Xiao Yun propped his chin, his eyes locked on the phone, "Well, I still have a good time to live."

"What about you and Yu Yan?"

Xiao Yun paused, "What do you want to say?"

"The last time I was in Yongjia Hospital, I saw you. You appeared so timely. You were already nearby, right? Yu Yan also looked surprised and unexpected at the time. I couldn't imagine that you could do this step?"

Ling Lin remembered that after calling Xiao Yun, she went to the hospital immediately. She thought she would be the first to arrive, but she did not expect to see Xiao Yun hugging her face.

She would never forget the joy and excitement that Xiao Yun's face was regained at that moment, she even saw his hands shaking with excitement when he embraced her.

Of course, I can't forget that Xiao Yun stood there, looking at the loneliness of Yu Yan's back.

This is Xiao Yun's love.

She thought that he would never know what love is, let alone fall in love with any woman.

Xiao Yun didn't expect that Ling Lin would suddenly mention Yongjia's affairs. He twisted his eyebrows, "This has nothing to do with you. Ling Lin, except last time, I don't want her to have any contact with you in the future, so don't disturb her."

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