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Xiao Yun's fever did not go away for two consecutive days, which made Yu Yan breathe a sigh of relief. She was worried that because of the cold, it would affect Xiao Yun's wound recovery, or the infection would worsen, and it would be troublesome.

Xiao Yun didn't seem to be too worried about this. Apart from doing his own way, he handles official duties every day. He has very little rest time. Occasionally, Yu Yan stays in the ward for a long time. He always sees people from various departments come to the hospital and Xiao Yun talks about company affairs, coming and going, and will not stop all day.

These are not conducive to training after injury.

Assistant Chen said that Xiao Yun would only temporarily let go of her work when she was there. If she could, maybe she could stay for a while longer? Out of the idea of ​​taking care of the patient, this proposal is not excessive. She occasionally stays a little longer, not necessarily in Xiao Yun's ward. In addition to delivering nourishing soup, she will stay outside and wait for the time to pass and wait for the time to come.

On this day, Yu Yan stayed in the ward for about two hours and was about to leave and go home. Who knew that she saw Ling Lin at the door of the ward.

This was the first time she saw Ling Lin after she knew the truth.

From the beginning of her anger, until now, although her anger can't be quelled, she is more sensible telling her that getting angry can't solve any problems, and what is even more strange is why Ling Lin wants to target her? What is the holiday between her and her? ...Because of Xiao Yun?

"Yuyan, long time no see."

Ling Lin greeted Yu Yan with a face as usual, as if nothing happened.

This is probably something that Yu Yan could not do. If it were before, she might still be able to maintain harmony with Ling Lin, but after knowing certain things she did, she couldn't look at Ling Lin in the same way as before. .

Ling Lin is not only strong, but also cruel and can pretend.

How did she manage to greet her with a smile when she faced her after doing those things?

Yu Yan said: "Mrs. Guo, can I ask you a question?"

Ling Lin thought for a while, "...what's the problem?"

"Why are you targeting me?"

"... Against you? How come, what are you talking about!"

Yu Yan smiled and said: "It's not of course the best, but I heard that you did some things that are not good for me, so I am curious, what are you doing?

Ling Lin's face froze, obviously she didn't expect Yu Yan to know what she had done. What should she say? Ask her why she did that? There are so many whys, but it's just impulsive and jealous, she really did it.

She was someone who never allowed herself to regret. The only thing she didn't do well was she was caught by others after doing it, which became the target of public criticism.

Ling Lin: "Just right, I also have something to tell you, shall we find a quiet place to talk?"

Yu Yan said: "If there is anything to say, let's clarify it here, or is there something that can't be heard? If this is the case, really find a quiet place with few people to prevent it from being overheard. "

"..." Ling Lin looked at Yu Yan. It was the first time she saw her prickly appearance, "It's just that there are so many people here, you want to find a quiet place, you think too much."

Yu Yan glanced at the corridor. Not many people came here. Sometimes, one or two people didn't know each other, and they seemed to be quiet. "Just here, what do you want to talk about?"

This Marriage, I've Given It Away (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now