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Coco came home, her mother-in-law was busy with dinner in the kitchen, his son was watching cartoons, and her husband was not at home. He called back and said that the company was busy and he had to work overtime at night.

Their family has passed the initial freshness and running-in period, and they are rushing for firewood, rice, oil and salt every day. Yu Yan said that she envied her family, and her husband was responsible for the family. Although her mother-in-law had occasional frictions, she was not the one who tortured her daughter-in-law, and the son was obedient.

Cocoa knows why Yu Yan envy her, because she has a husband who does not care about the family.

But in fact, she occasionally admires depression, because of those heart-moving feelings, and the desperate drive for love, she has never experienced it. Her family is running for life and the future, she thinks maybe she should slow down and look at the people and things around her...

She thought of Yu Yan's words: Married because of love, but no love when married.

How sad this is.

After dinner, she did not go to bed first. She waited in the living room for her husband Chen Ran to return. It was almost early in the morning when the entrance door finally opened. She got up to meet her. She clearly saw the unexpected face of the other party, and the obvious tiredness between her eyebrows, "Why not? Sleep?" he asked.

"Waiting for you." Coco took her husband's briefcase and put it on the sofa. "Is you hungry when you come back so late? If you are hungry, I will cook noodles for you."

"No, too lazy to work hard."

"It's not hard, then I will cook you beef noodles? I just have it at home."

"...Why are you so good today?"

"Then don't eat."

"Eat, eat. I'm going to take a bath, you take it slowly."

It's ridiculous: "Yeah."

"When the case is over, I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

"Okay, this is what you said!"

"Of course, I lied to you?"

It's ridiculous.

Life is lived, mutual understanding and understanding, and plain love and family are also happy.


It was only the next day that Yu Yan learned from Cocoa that Xiao Yun had gone to look for her. It was impossible for Cocoa to hide from Yu Yan, so she explained everything to her.

This made Yu Yan very surprised, she inexplicably laughed: "Xiao Yun's heart is too deep."


"Actually we saw it yesterday, downstairs in my house."

"..." Coco was silent for a while, "Is it impossible?"

Yu Yan smiled.

"Hey! I heard Xiao Yun's tone, and thought he hadn't dared to see you in the past two years! Have you seen your relationship long ago?"

Yu Yan lowered his head and poked the coffee in the cup and said, "Yes, I also thought that I would not have anything to do with him."


"Isn't my colleague in a car accident before? I only knew then that Xiao Yun had been wandering around me." The first time she talked about this, her voice was soft and confused.

Coco unexpectedly asked: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know." Yu Yan smiled, "I don't know where he heard the wrong news, thinking that the person in the car accident was me, so..." She shrugged.

This Marriage, I've Given It Away (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now