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Yu Yan didn't understand what Liu Lingling's exchange was, she was surprised and puzzled.

Liu Lingling took out a stack of photos from her bag and handed it to Yu Yan. Yu Yan took it hesitantly. After seeing the content clearly, the smile on her face subsided and asked: "This is what you call an exchange? Isn't it? Is it a threat?"

Yu Yan didn't know when, the scene of her dispute with Xiao Yun was actually photographed by the person in front of him, and now he still wants to talk to her for an exchange? Transactions and threats should better show Liu Lingling's meaning.

"It's not a threat. I just wanted to ask you to help me. I wanted to find Mr. Xiao by myself, but it was not easy to see him, so I can only come to you. As long as you help me, I will give you the photo. "

Yu Yan looked at the photos, she flipped through them one by one, many, these photos are enough to compose and understand countless meanings, in fact, there has been very little news about her recently, at least some major entertainment magazine platforms rarely report them. What, there is no recent news report, the news will naturally gradually fade.

If these photos are released, I am afraid it will be another public opinion disaster.

Liu Lingling asked: "Can you?"

Yu Yan smiled and returned the photo: "You give it to the reporter."

"...Huh?" She was very surprised, thinking she had heard it wrong.

"Miss Liu, please don't come to me again in the future. I don't owe you anything. I don't even know you. Please don't come and embarrass me again. If you come again, I will call the police."

Yu Yan no longer bothered with her, turned around and went back to school, leaving Liu Lingling alone in confusion and anger, but Yu Yan was not afraid? why? Is it because Xiao Yun helped her? She was so frustrated that she didn't know what to do for a while.

Until after school in the afternoon, Liu Lingling saw Yu Yan driving away from school, she did not hesitate and followed...

Yu Yan did not go home directly, but had dinner with Coco.

"Then Liu Lingling came to you again? Why is she so persistent?" Cocoa said in a puzzled way.

Yu Yan shook her head: "I don't know. She even took the secretly taken photos today and said she wanted to exchange it with me. She clearly knew that Xiao Yun and I had a bad relationship. After saying how many times she still stubborn me, she didn't know who she was. why."

"......What picture?"

"A candid photo of me and Xiao Yun." Yu Yanqian curled her lips and said, "It's not important, just let her be."

"Then she didn't say what the hell was looking for you?"

Yu Yan said: "Let me intercede for her and Xiao Yun. I didn't ask what was the matter, and she didn't take the initiative to say it, just let me help her."

"I can't understand the brain circuit of that person!" Coco sighed and shook his head, "Then what if she tries to block you again? Someday, she will not hurt you if she jumps the wall in a hurry?"

Yu Yan thought, Liu Lingling went to find her father and went to school to stop her, but she rarely showed up on the rental room, "Should it be okay?"

Coco exhorted: "Still beware, do you have some anti-wolf weapons on your body, are you prepared for it? Also, this woman is caused by Xiao Yun, so he should let him solve it by himself. It's nothing to come to you! Can't figure it out, her brain is broken?"

Yu Yan said: "Don't worry, I have everything in my bag."

After dinner, they went home separately. Yu Yan paid special attention to her on the way home, and did not see Liu Lingling. She was worried that she would find home.

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