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On the third day when Xiao Yun promised to consider it, Yu Yan called him.

When Assistant Chen saw the call, his first reaction was to answer it first, but instead he thought that the two-day device Xiao Yun had ordered that if Mrs. Xiao calls in again, she can directly forward it to him, and then he will receive the hand from the phone. , Went to knock on Xiao Yun's door.

He came to Xiao Yun's apartment to deliver documents. Xiao Yun didn't know what time he went to bed last night at work. He was only woken up when he came, and now he is taking a bath in the bathroom.

After waiting for a while, the phone has been hung up.

Just in time, Xiao Yun opened the bedroom door and came out, wearing a large black bathrobe with half-wet hair.

"what's up?"

Assistant Chen: "Mrs. Xiao called just now, but she has hung up now. May I return the call?"

Xiao Yun knew that she raised her eyebrows, but did not deny. Assistant Chen dialed the phone flexibly with his fingers, and the other side also rang three times as if he had felt it before answering: "Assistant Chen, I'm sorry."

This is fucking embarrassing.

He didn't know other people, anyway, Assistant Chen was very, very, extremely embarrassed at the moment, especially in front of Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun didn't speak.

Assistant Chen could only bite the bullet and said, "Mrs. Xiao, sorry, I didn't hear the phone ringing because of too much trouble."

Yu Yan was too lazy to correct Assistant Chen's wrong name, and said flatly: "It's okay. Is Director Xiao there?"

"Yes, wait a moment."

"Thank you."

As if throwing a hot potato, Assistant Chen immediately handed the phone to Xiao Yun, and then disappeared into the corner. He didn't think there was anything when he talked to Yu Yan before, but now that Xiao Yun is staring at him, he always feels something weird...? He really couldn't think of anything strange.

Yu Yan only heard that Xiao Yun's voice came from the phone after being quiet there for a while, "What's the matter?"

Yu Yan asked directly, "Have you considered what you promised to consider last time?"

Xiao Yun: "It's not clear on the phone. Let's meet at night."

Yuyan hesitated for half a second, meet?

"Did you agree?"

"Your divorce agreement is too simple, I will let someone re-draw it."

"Well, I have time after half past four. Where can I see you at night?"

Xiao Yun looked at his watch, "There is something wrong today, I'll talk about it then."


Hanging up, Xiao Yun threw the phone aside and poured a glass of red wine next to the wine cabinet.

"Go to Lawyer Wang and draw up a new divorce agreement."

Assistant Chen didn't know where it came from at this time. He knew Xiao Yun very well. Knowing that he said this, he must be dissatisfied with the share that Yu Yan gave him. Sure enough, he saw Xiao Yun set aside some real estate and funds to Yu Yan.


Yu Yan made a call between classes. Zhou Min ran over and took her arm and smiled and said, "What's the matter? What do you think, I didn't respond to a few calls."

Yu Yan smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, it's just that what I hope will come true, I feel a little bit emotional."

"What's the matter? Is it good?"

Yu Yan nodded thoughtfully: "It's a good thing."

"If it's a good thing, let's eat something delicious to celebrate after school? By the way, watch a movie..."

"Didn't you date your boyfriend?"

"Yes indeed......"

Yu Yan received a call from Assistant Chen when she was about to get off work, "Director Xiao has something to do. He may have to come here later."

Yu Yan didn't say anything: "What time?"

"eight thirty."


Unexpectedly, not long after I hung up, Yu Yan received a call from Xiao Zhai's father Xiao, saying that she was asked to accompany Xiao's mother to a dinner. Because of the rush of time and Xiao's legs, she asked her to accompany her. Help take care of.

Yu Yan used to accompany Xiao's mother to social gatherings, and was already very familiar with it. He thought that there was enough time, not to mention that in Xiao's mother's situation, no one would say anything before leaving, so he agreed.

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