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Mother Xiao didn't understand what her husband meant. He told Yu Yan not to actively contact Xiao Yun and waited for a month, originally to see if Xiao Yun would look for him when Yu Yan didn't take the initiative to look for him. She, the result hasn't come out yet, why did she suddenly change her mind?

Father Xiao said with emotion: "It is indeed because of Xiao Yun that I have the cheek to find Yu Yan and asked for this opportunity. Xiao Yun is not unintentional to Yu Yan, and Yu Yan and Xiao Yun's divorce are not without love. I think this In January, Yu Yan and Xiao Yun did not meet. One of them might want to see each other actively. I hope that person is Xiao Yun, but..."

Unfortunately, he had already heard from Assistant Chen that Xiao Yun and Yu Yan met by chance. Although Xiao Yun wanted to see Yu Yan, he just asked Assistant Chen to call Yu Yan to see him. Father Xiao knew that even if Xiao Yun cares about depression, he can't let go of his own arrogance and self-esteem. The model that has been formed for a long time is difficult to change. In the end, the more injured are still depression. If you continue to entangle yourself, there will be nothing. Meaning.

Mother Xiao was speechless and helpless, "If this is the case, you can't wait any longer? Then if..."

Father Xiao shook his head and said, "Who will wait for him?"

Mother Xiao rubbed her eyes and said, "I know that Xiaoyan is disappointed and heartbroken. She is going to leave. How can I keep it anymore... She can promise you to wait for a while. , I am definitely worried that we will not be able to accept it in a short time, which will affect your condition. Give time to buffer. If you change to someone else... If the aunt doesn't tell us..."

Father Xiao patted Mother Xiao on the shoulder, "If you want to start a little bit, it's hard to say clearly about the future."

Mother Xiao couldn't think about it, even after listening to her husband's advice, she still couldn't think about it.

In fact, in the ward that day, Yu Yan took the initiative to ask them to confess that she was leaving Xiao's house to live next time. At that time, she asked Yu Yan why she was living well and suddenly wanted to leave? It's just that at the time Yu Yan only said that the time was almost there, and it didn't make much sense for her to stay, and nothing else was mentioned. If her husband hadn't told her, she wouldn't know...

Today, she can only hope that Yu Yan can meet a better and more suitable person without getting hurt.


Yu Yan was surprised to receive a call from Xiao Yun, still at such a moment.

She was silent for a moment. For a while, she shouldn't ask you what's wrong, or ask what to do with her. She laughed faintly, and realized that the world is changing, and finally said, "Hello."

It is the most polite and kind greeting.

Xiao Yun chuckled lightly, knocking the ashes off his fingertips, "Go downstairs."

downstairs? Yu Yan got up and walked to the window. Sure enough, he saw a black car parked downstairs. Assistant Chen was standing in the front of the car, looking up, and seeing Yu Yan opening the curtains, he waved at her.

Yu Yan thought of Father Xiao's words. Although she could not fully understand Father Xiao's intentions, the later she might be able to guess one or two, Father Xiao wanted her and him to think calmly before making a decision.

Yu Yan asked: "Xiao Yun, are you coming to me to give me a divorce agreement?"

Xiao Yun: "For this kind of thing, interviews are better."

Yu Yan hesitated for a moment: "...good."

Hanging up, Yu Yan was about to go downstairs. When the black cat saw Yu Yan arrived at the door, it immediately ran over, and meowed non-stop around Yu Yan's feet. Yu Yan rubbed his head: "Hey, I'll be back soon."

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