chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Thane POV

I had got to class early and was waiting for it to start when Shalin entered the room and spoke quietly to the teacher. Where is Alex? She always came in with Shalin. Shalin then went to go sit down. She sat by Colton. Then I noticed the two kiss. So that's why Alex wasn't in here. Shalin had ripped her heart out and Colton and her stamped on it together.

I tried to look as sick as possible "Miss. Logan, I am not feeling well may I leave?"

"Two student sick in one day... Yes but you have to make it up."

"Great thanks."

"Are you sure you want to do this? Your grades are already suffering."

"Yes I am sure." I left without hearing her reply. Where would Alex go where she could be by herself? The guard room.


I knocked on the door quietly.

"Go away Shalin. Do you want to get sick?"

"It's not Shalin and I know you are not sick."

"Thane?" She asked.

"Yeah, I heard what happened."

"Word got around that quickly huh."

"Well they really don't have problem with PDA."

"Ha ha like Shalin has ever had a problem with that."

"Can I come in?" There was a pause but she opened the door. I could tell that she had been laying on the floor but she had propped herself against the wall.

"Why does love hurt so much?" She questioned.

"I don't think that its supposed to."

"Then why does it always? I loved my best friend who betrayed me. I love my dad still even though he left me without a father. I was well on my way to loving Colton. But all of them betrayed me in the worst way possible."

She was in tears again. I pulled her to me and let her cry on my chest and I put my arms around her. I was mad at all of the people who hurt her. She didn't deserve any of it.

"How come I am not good enough for anyone?" She asked still crying.

"Hey don't think like that! You are enough for you mom and sister."

"Am I though? We don't have enough money for anything that we want. No matter how hard I try I can't make up for dad."

"Nobody is asking you to. They are just happy for who you are and what you are doing for them."

"How come I wasn't good enough for the people who left me?"

"I don't know why, but I do know that they are idiots for not realizing what a treasure you are." She laid her head back on my chest again and started to get control of her breath. The next bell rang but she ignored it and we stayed like that for a while longer.

Then she fell asleep in my arms.

I am not going to lie. It felt so right just to be there with her. Colton was a complete idiot. He was so lucky to have her trust. Trust is a hard thing to get from somebody who has been hurt and what does he do to it? he throws it down the drain.

An hour later she got up and looked at herself in the mirror and groaned.

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