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Everyone has secrets.
Yes you heard right. Everyone.
It could be your sister, boyfriend,your dad or even your best friend...the person you're most closest to. You might think they tell you everything but no... Everyone has demons. And almost everyone has at least one toxic means by which they deal with these demons. Even you.... you never know.

Everyone has done one bad thing. Or maybe two.. Bad is bad. Your sister might have stolen meat from the pot or she might have killed someone... Bad is bad. Trust me..she has done more bad things to cover it up..just so you wouldn't find out... but one day it will all come out.. Everyday for the thief but one day for the owner. You just never know.

Everyone has family problems.
His father might be a jerk or a drunkard.
Her mother might be beating her for absolutely no reason.
His father might have limited time on Earth. might just be that her family is just too perfect. Everyone has family problems but you never know.

Fate. The most powerful.
It brings together the most unlikely souls. The ones from different "cliques". It draws them together forcefully like a magnet...and this happens through the most eerie means. You just never know.

And the "bringing together" mostly happens at the last year..the last minute..
When everyone is about to depart into the real world, when you're about to leave your comfort zone. Then you discover what you've been unhappy about, that nagging feeling that has been with you for finally discover the cause of it. You discover your real friends.. and your enemies. You discover the years of pent up anger and hatred.. You discover love. You never know.

And then when you regret. You regret those years you spent bullying. You regret the words that came out of your mouth. You regret the years you spent not noticing the person that cares for you the most now. Most of all,you regret the person you were.

You just never know.

Richview College: The Demons We Hid.Where stories live. Discover now