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The pounding headache woke me up from my light sleep. My head felt as if it would explode soon and I held my head with both hands as the pounding intensified.

I sat up on my bed as I tried breathing exercises to see if it would stop but if anything it just became more unbearable.

My temperature was all over the place but I still felt cold inside. Could I be getting a fever?

I shivered as the cold water came in contact with my skin. I was hoping that the water would reduce my temperature a little.
I picked my toothbrush still in the shower and brushed it weakly with the water cascading over my body.
Today was going to be somehow,I could feel it.

"Hey honey,did you sleep well?"My mother asked as I made my way to the dining room.

René and my mother were already seated and they were talking about something. I searched for my dad but he was nowhere to be found.

"Where is dad?"I voiced out my curiosity.

My mom sighed sadly and forced a sad smile to her face"He went to work to see a client."

I took a seat on one of the chairs and was about to nod in the positive when René said"Really?He went to see a client?So you always tell your client that "last night was great"? He went to see his concubine, mom. Let's be honest with ourselves."

My mouth fell open and so did my mom's. René was always silent when it came to matters like this. When she spoke like that,she was very angry and frustrated.

"Who was he talking to?"I asked her. Maybe she knew the person.

"Mary Jane!"

I was silent as I let my brain process the information. Mary Jane.
It couldn't be the same Mary Jane could it?

"René,"There was a warning tone in my mom's voice"We can't be sure it is the same Mary Jane."

I looked at René,urging her to tell me that it was not the same girl.

"It's her mom."René snapped"I heard her voice and you did too. Moreover dad literally called her name to spite you. I also heard her laugh. I am sure no one in this place had forgotten her hideous laugh."

René was right. Mary Jane had a loud and throaty laugh. Not the sexy part but the scary one and everyone knew it.

How could Mary Jane do this to me?

We were on good terms the last time I checked so what was her gain by doing this?By hurting my mom?

"I know that,"René continued"it's hard to take in,Ty but I told you the first time. I told you that I didn't like her. I told you that something felt off about her."

"Well did I even date her?"I snapped at  René and she kept shut"I just invited her to the house. I didn't know that she fancied dad."

The whole room fell silent which was very uncomfortable and I stood up and said"René get up and let's go to school."

I started walking outside without even saying goodbye to her because I was seething inside.

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