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"Have you heard?"Diamond,one of Caitlin's new recruit,asked.

"Heard what?"I countered,trying to make my disinterest show.

"We have a new student and I heard that he is very handsome."

My disinterest simmered down and I turned to her"A new student in ss3?How is that even possible?"

She smiled when she knew that she had my attention"His father is like one of the richest lawyers in Lagos. He works for a very big firm oo."

I raised my eyebrow and asked"So he just bought his way into Richview?Is he even smart? For all we know he will just be a dummy."

Diamond snorted and said"So its even true what they say about you? All your life is about smartness. That's how you'll be acting as if you are better than everyone else."

I stood up to my full height and said"Are you sick?Look here,I may not be better than everybody else but I am better than you. Who gets a F9 in English? You, obviously. The only reason why you are in this group is because you have the good looks. Not forgetting the fact that you literally begged your way here. I earned being  in this group. So you better watch your mouth. Do you understand?"

She blinked back the tears that threatened to come out and said"Yes."

I smiled deviously and said "Yes what?"

She looked around in shame as she realized what I wanted her to do"Yes ma."

I nodded in satisfaction and said"You can leave."

Once she left,I sat down with a thud on my seat and looked over to Caitlin. She cackled and gave me a thumbs up.

She had set Diamond up. I could tell because I saw the hesitation in her eyes when she came to confront me. Caitlin would have told Diamond that it was a test not knowing that all of it was just for Caitlin's entertainment.

"Simone Adeboye."I heard Ada announce"We are having a popular group meeting with Caitlin during our lunch break. In her class."

I turned to face Ada in surprise"But we usually have our meetings at our special table in the canteen."

Ada looked at me with irritation and said"She said that today's meeting is stealth."

I sighed under my breath and waved Ada off" You can go now. You are not needed anymore."

Ada stood there for a tad bit too long and I flared up at her"What's your problem? Get out from my sight."

Ada opened her mouth to say something but I think she decided against it as she closed it back and just walked to her seat.

"Good morning Sir."The students all stood up to greet the" Government" teacher.

Mr James strolled in without responding to our greeting.

"Simone,can you tell me where we stopped?"He asked as he got settled.

"Of course I can."I answered smugly as I got up slowly. Inside,my mind was reeling from anticipation.

"We stopped at Nigerian federalism."

"Thanks."Mr James replied,not looking thankful at all"So today is going to be very different. You guys are going to write WAEC very soon and I was told that revision would be the best thing to do now."

The whole class grumbled in protest but I kept my smug face on. This was going to be a piece of cake.

"Please keep quiet."Mr James said in his monotone voice"Who can tell me the meaning of Government?"

The whole class remained silent and Mr James groaned in frustration"Can you please help us out,Simone?"

I stood up again,a small smile on my face. This was the part that I liked" Government is..."

I was cut off by a knock on the door. Ada and Bimpe snickered and I glared at them from the corners of my eye. I would deal with them later.

Mr James excused himself to check who was at the door and Principal John himself walked in with a boy. His head was down so I couldn't see his face. What I could figure out was that he was really tall and the tips of his long curls were gold.

The students all stood up to greet Principal John and he answered with a nod. "Hello students. You have a new student amongst you. His name is Omotayo. Introduce yourself,boy."

The boy raised his head slowly and my breath caught in my throat. He was one word. Handsome. His curls were gelled back so I had the perfect view of his face. His eyes were an unnatural grey and his pink lips were full and inviting. The school uniform fitted him perfectly and the light danced around his eyes.


"My name is Omotayo Humphrey. I am eighteen years old and I am pleased to make your acquaintances."His deep voice floated through my ears and I could feel my knees getting weak.

His eyes looked around and it finally landed on mine. His lips parted as surprise flashed through his face. He quickly masked it with disgust and looked away.

What the hell just happened? I thought

"I would be needing,"Principal John's voice brought me back from my haze"a volunteer to show Tayo around after closing time"

"Why closing?"Mr James asked Principal John.

"Omotayo will be busy during break."Principal John replied him then he turned to the class"So who will be volunteering?"

"I'll go Sir."I heard Bimpe's high pitched voice and I cringed and I could swear that I had seen Tayo do the same.

"Do you agree with that,Tayo?"Principal John asked,his voice was a little strained.

Tayo looked down and said"Not really."

Principal John nodded in understanding while Bimpe sat down,dejectedly disappointed and I could swear I also saw embarrassment in her face.

"Why don't I pick?"Principal John voiced out"Our very own head girl,Simone Adeboye."

I waved a little and prayed silently not to suffer the same fate as Bimpe.

Thank God I didn't.

Omotayo looked at me for a moment,then he said"Fine by me."

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