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"We are moving again?"I screamed into my father's face.

"Yes!"He snapped at me. "Everything is for your own good,Tayo."
I scoffed and said"It doesn't seem so. Why can't you see that I don't like this life? Dad,please....." I begged.... Earnestly.
His hard brown eyes softened a little bit and he said"I am sorry son but this time, it's beyond me."

My anger grew as I listened to his insensitive words. "That's what you said when we moved here six months ago. I finally made some friends in this school. And now....."

"Life is not all about friends,son." He replied.

I balled my fist together to prevent myself from hitting him" Is that really what you are going with?So the next time your friends visit,I'll tell them that life is not all about friends and I will slam the door in their face!"

I walked away to my room and slammed the door hard. I heard my dad call for my mom and they talked for a while. Moments later,I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in mom."I shouted.
She popped her head into my room timidly"Can I talk to you for a little while,Tayo?"

I sighed and sat up on the bed. She asked for everything so politely, that it made you feel guilty about not doing it.

"Don't you think you acted a little bit harsh with your dad back there??...." She searched my face.." Like a little overboard? "She said and she sat down.

"I didn't act like anything. He deserved it. He is the reason I can't even settle down again. I don't see why we have to move every time....I really don't." I said, and I meant it.

My mom remained silent for a while before saying "Honey,look on the bright side. You will be going  to a new school. New friendly faces. New environment. New everything.
I flopped down back on the bed and groaned"I don't want new mom. Sometimes change is bad."

My mother nodded in understanding and said"What if I promise you that I will try to make sure that you remain in this school till you finish secondary school."

I sat up and muttered"Try is the key word here."

She smiled and said"I promise you T- boy. You know well that I don't break my promises."

I nodded my head and she gave me a light peck on the forehead and walked out.

My father was a big time,hotshot lawyer. He was a partner in a big firm. My father got posted to a lot of states and sometimes countries, depending on the jobs they get. I admired my father and his work and hoped that someday I could be a successful lawyer too, like him.

But i still hoped that wasn't like him... perse. I had a number of reasons to feel that way.
He devoted too much time to his work and firm and little time to his family. He never considered what we thought or felt. He only considered his firm and himself. I wanted to become a lawyer, but not like my father. My father's firm dealt with politicians, divorce cases and etcetera. I wanted to become a human rights activist. I wanted to fight human trafficking, child abuse, corruption and so on. I just wanted to be useful to humanity.

It didn't help matters that I changed different schools almost every six months. I have so many faces in my head that I have lost count. I can't remember the names of anyone I had gone to school with because they were too many. The time I had dared myself to ask a girl out was when I was in ss1. After the day I asked her, my father decided that it was time to move. It had been a very bitter moment and I didn't get over it for weeks.

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