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"Please you guys should just leave me alone," The girl begged us pitifully as she struggled to get up from the circle that she was in. The girls would not allow her to though, because as she made to stand up, they pushed her back down and she fell unceremoniously on the ground again and again. The process made my heart ache and tears pooled in my eyes.

I looked away so none of my so-called friends could see the tears on my face because if they did they would tease me about it and call me weak hearted and Caitlin could punish me for it. She would say that I made her look bad.

Caitlin, the nasty dark skinned South African laughed and said, "I don't even know what this girl is doing in our school. You are not worthy to be here. Get that in your head." She used two of her fingers to hit her head hardly as she struggled to make her point.

The girl whimpered and started crying. She moved this way and that, trying to find a spot that was not chocked and inconvenient but to no avail.

"Let's just leave her alone," I suggested. "Assembly will start soon and if the head girl is late, it won't be nice." I moved to the middle of the circle and almost helped the girl up but stopped midway.

Ada scoffed and I tried to keep my temper on place. Ada and I were in the same clique of friends but we hated each other so much and I think everyone knew that. She was always in some sort of unspoken competition with me from the post of the head girl to our literature result. I pitied her, because I never lost. I could not even afford to lose.

"What happened? Do you want to say something?" I challenged her, walking in front of her and putting my face in hers.

Caitlin looked at both of us while rolling her eyes, "You guys should stop fighting or else I will put you on timeout for three days." She said this with some type of authority that made me want to roll my eyes but I knew that it would annoy Caitlin more.

Timeout was when Caitlin stops talking to someone from her clique for a calculated period of time. If you were given a timeout, you became vulnerable and the laughing stock of the school even if it was only for a short while. Caitlin  threatened us time and again with her "time out".

I was the queen of Richview college, but it was like Caitlin owned me. She controlled me She told me what to do. She ran the school through me and I guessed that it was better for her that way and less stressful. I don't know how but she gathered the most popular students into her clique. If she decided that you were an outcast or you were kicked out from her clique,your social life was practically over. We consisted of fifteen girls, including Caitlin herself.

Elena, Sinachi, Ada and Bimpe were Caitlin's right hand "men". The ones that carried news to her. The one that did what she wanted without so much as one question. If Caitlin told them to put their hands inside a furnace, they would do so without hesitation. To them, she was God.

Jane, Tolani, Pascaline, Diamond and Testimony were the new recruits so they were Caitlin's "slaves". They had to prove that they were worthy of the group. They were given beginners test to join and absurd tasks. There was a time that Janehaf acted as a stool for Caitlin. It had been horrible to watch. She had squirmed and twisted as tears streamed down her face and I had had to run out so that I could cry too.

Damilola, Arabella, Stacia, Lydia and I were the ones that didn't want to be in the group. The unhappy ones. I got along with some of the girls from my group well and some of them I couldn't stand. We were the ones who would have loved to leave the populars group but couldn't.

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