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Its been a few month I get aquainted with Annie. I just cant get her out off my mind. I never felt like this, even with Monica my senior high school crush.
I remember when she cried in my chest. At that time I just want to hug her, hold her hand, kissed her. I dont want her looks sad. I love her smile. Because of here everynight I can sleep peacefully.
Although I never have a child, but I treat Mia like my own daughter. I dont care if she's not my biological daughter.
I want to protect both of them. Want to give everything to them.
I know Annie trying to trust me, she's open a little her heart for me. And I'm very lucky because she accept me and want with me because I'm only Arthur, She still dont know that I'm Arthur Knight the billionare.
Knock knock,
Billy come to my office, "Sir, this is the file for the acquisition tomorrow" he put the pile on my desk
"What time meeting tomorrow Billy ?"
"After lunch Sir, at 1 O clock."
I nodded then says to him "remain me tomorrow, I have lunch break with Ms Edison"
When I still busy in my office, I heard noise outside my office. I get up and going outside.
"What the hell happens here?" I scream to Billy
"I'm sorry Sir, here Ms Monica force want to see you"

I see Monica sit in the couch with her seductive face. Its been a long time and I hate women who throw her self to me, flirt to me. Moreover back in the past, when we in school, and she didn't know that I'm billionarie, she never liked me.

"What are you doing here ?"I harshly said it. I looked at Billy and says "Get her out the building, tell the security to banned her." I ignored Monica and left her, going back to my office.

"But, Arthur .. darling .. wait" Monica try to follows me but I locked my office. Stand in the back off my door, and hope she'll leave. When I see my watch, its almost 11 o'clock. Out of my office, take a look at Billy

"I'm going out, if something happened tell me ASAP" then push the button.

I missed my Annie, I want to see her badly.

I take my car, get inside and spur my car. When I arrives, and push the door, and look around. I can't see my Annie. Instead, I see a women sit in her desk.

"I'm sorry, can I meet Ms. Edison" I said to the women

"You are Mr Knight right?" the women get something out of the table. A envelope, "Annie told me to give it to you Sir" she said.

Quickly opened it,


When you opened it, I already gone. I'm sorry I had to leave you like this. Honestly, I don't want to do this. But after a lot of think, its the best ways for us. I know we just friend. But I don't want because our friendship, other misunderstanding our relationship. Besides, I have Mia, I don't want to affected her. She's my life, my happiness, and I don't want to ruin everything that I have with her.

Yesterday, a women called me. She said she's your fiance. I shocked when I heard it. Not because I'm jealous, or something. I never like to ruin other relationship. I like simple things. She sounded mad with me, and I understand why she felt like that. I'll be the same if I was her.

Last, just forget our friendship, I hope you understand me. If someday we'll meet again, considered we never known each other. Can you do that for me ?. Thank you for everthing, it nice to knowing you


After reads her letter, my anger boiled. I call my PI immediately

"Dean, help me check to Ms. Melanie Edison phone. Find out who's called her yesterday, find where she's right now, and make it quick" I shout at him

"I'll call you back boss"

I hanging up the phone, walking to the park near the library. Unconcious, I stopped at the bench where me and Annie ate our sandwich. I sit, and hold my temple. I never have a fiance, who's that stupid women pretending my fiance. The only women who I need now is Annie. I just need her, and I don't want to loose her. I have to clear everything with Annie, I'll never let her go again.

My phone ringing, I check it. Its Dean

"I found her boss, Her flight this morning at 6 in the morning. She's traveling to Indonesia. I'll email the detail to you now"

"Good send it now, thanks Dean" I closed the phone

I make another calls to Billy

"Billy, prepare my jet. I need to go in 1 hours, tell them I have to go to Indonesia"

Billy sound shocked but he says "Ok Sir, I'll prepare everything"

I drive my car to the airport and as usuall, Billy do his job perfectly. My private jet is ready, and I have to finished all my works before meet Annie. I don't want my work affected. When I meet her I want to focus all my attention to her and I have to clear everthing with her.

I can count on Billy to run the company. He never betrayed me, and he always loyal to me and company. I remembered when the first time I met him. He 7 years younger than me. He's orphanage.I paid for his tuition. He graduated college and worked with me until now.

I know I will deal with that bitch. So I email my lawyer to sue and threaten her so she can stay away from me. I want my relationship with Annie back to normal again. And this time when I meet Annie, I'll make sure she will be mine. I want her, I need her.

When I arrives in Jakarta, my car is there. I tell to the driver to take me to my place. I have a lot of place in a different countries. Usually I stayed there when I have meeting to run my empires. Arrived at my place, I take a bath. Then I calls my PI

"Dean find me where's Annie now"

I sit in the couch waiting, and 5 minutes later my phone ringing

"She's stay in Oak Tree Hotel"

I call my driver, tell him to take me there. Annie, I'm going to find you and this time I won't let you go.

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