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"Just find that god damn file!" I shout then I hang the phone. Such an idiot assistant I  thought. Sometime Billy can make me stress. Billy had became my assistant for 7 years. Even I always mad, screams to him, he never take it out. He know me well. He is my right hand. He know everything about me. I own Knight company. Knight company is my baby. I build it from scratch. My parents died a few years ago. Their are billionaire and when they passed away, everything become mine. I love my Knight company because I build it with m own and not use my parents money. And I'm proud of it.

After 7 year Knight company has become a powerfull and one of the most feared companies in the world. Even Knight company famous, everyone fear of me, I'm ruthless, cold. I just don't like befriended and I don't like socialise because it's wasting time. I know everyone wants  near me just because I'm billionare and I have everything. Only Billy my assistant, Piere my butler is my close person. They know me well enough.

For women, acctually love is not my thing. I kind have bad experience with women, they need me for famous and money. They never love me because of me. When I was at senior high school, I had crush. She's beautifull, her name Monica. She was a cheerleader, a queen at my highschool. Back at the time, I was a close person, no one know that I'm billionare. I like trick them still kids. I display my self as a nerd, poor and never make a friends. Of course beside I'm billionare I'm not stupid, not like that kind of billionaire son. Monica wants to befriend with me. I thought because she likes me. Appereantly my guess was wrong. She just need me for helping her for her home work, her grade. And I hate it so much. And it goes until I entry my college and work. I see so many women, and makes me think they just not my things you know.

Because that damn file now I feel frustated. I walk out my office. Billy sit in his desk looking at me and suddenly stand up. "I want to go outside, no need to follow me" I said and pushed the button of my private elevator.

I walk outside my company and walk to the bookstore next to my building. When I want to come in to the bookstore. I look at the cafe next to the bookstore. I think I might need coffee to calm my nerves. While thinking I look at the cafe windows, and look there is a women, long black hair, sitting in the couch reading in her handphone. I change my mind and come to the cafe, forget for the bookstore. I push the door and go to the cashier. "can you get me americano ?" I says. The cashier look at me and giving me seductive eyes " of course Sir ... wait a moment please". I look back just to want to see where is that women I look before.

I never get aquinted with women. Usually they throw them self to me, so it's kind a new things to me. I stand and think what will I say to her so she doesn't scare with stranger like me. "Here it's your coffee Sir" The cashier shocking me. "Thank you"I snap her then grab my coffee and leaving her. Thanks God I bring my backpack, so now I'm not look like a billionaire who run Knight company.

I walk and sit near to her, I want to watch her closely. She is wearing headset, looking focus to her handphone, I think she is reading something. How can I can approch her? she doesn't notice me at all. Ding, I know, I'm gonna use pen as execuses. I know it's a lame thing, but I don't know anyways to get her notice me. I walk behind her and touch her shoulder. She look shocked a and takes off her headset but her face soft again and smile a bit. "Sorry for bothering you, can you help me ?" I tell her and deep inside my heard hope she's gonna answer and not reject me. "oh its okay, what can I do for you ?" When she answer me, oh God, her voice, so soft . "can I borrow your pen, I have to write something" stupid reason I sigh.  She's grab her bag and pull out her pen and give to me. I take it and sit in front of her start to write. Honestly I just pretend write and look busy.

While I writing I notice that she just keep silent and don't say anything. I just hope she doesn't mad at me and tell me to move. When I'm done, looking at her and says " thank you, sorry for bothering you.". She just nod and smile "No need to thank you, Its only pen though". I like hearing her voice, it seems like I don't want to get over it. "I just curious, why in the earth you would want to help me, I'm stranger" I told  her. She drink her coffee then answer me" Nothing special, I just kinda like helping ... and when I see you .. your face look endanger for me ... thats why I'm helping you ... I just curious ... why you ask me, when you can borrow pen with the cashier ?". I gasps, shocking with her answer but look calm so she doesn't notice my changing behaviour.

I take a deep breath and looking her eyes "I don't know ... I just think when I see you I have to talk with you". Suddenly she laugh, Oh my God, her laugh, its so cute. waiittt whattt ? cuteee ? " so cheesy don't you ... you don't know me at all" she take her glass and sipping her coffee.

"Mooom ... I'm back" a girl sudden talk to her with smile. I just look at them. They look similar, look alike sister. I thought its her daughter. I watch the girl whisper something to her, "Mom, who is he ?". I chuckled and handed my hand to that girl "Yup, I just borrow pen from your mom. Whats your name ? I'm Arthur by the way".  "Hi, I'm Mia ... I'm in junior high school now ... this is Anie my mom ... my dad already passed away 1 year ago" Mia smile. Her daughter look friendly, adorable. Finally I know her name, Annie. what a lovely name.Suddenly Annie look a little bit comfortable and says "Sorry Arthur, we have to go and good bye".

I stand grab my bagpack then tell her " of course ... I guess I see both of you again". I just wondering whats wrong with her. Why she look taken aback. Does she doesn't like me? or whats wrong? But in front of her I just pretend calm.

When she walk out from the cafe, I pull out my handphone and call my private investigator Dean. "Yoo boss, whats up ?" Dean answer my call. "Find every single things about Melanie Edison, give to me right away" I told him. "OK" Dean responded. I close the phone and walk away back to my company.

When back to my office, I thinking about Anie. Her green eyes, long black hair, her smile. I just can't get her out my mind. I just have to find a way to met her again. I look back to my computer, start to working again.

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