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5 years later

"Mommy ... " Aiden hug me crying harder. I bent down to his level.

"What wrong honey ?" I kiss his forehead. He pointed his finger to her big sister Mia. "she's hiding my robot mommy .." he's sobbing and pouted. I look at Mia face, raise my eyebrow to her, what else is she doing now until his brother crying. Mia smiling devilish at us, then walking back to her room while Aiden still crying hug me.

Arthur walking to us, then pick Aiden and put him on his waist. "whats happens handsome ?"

Aiden lean his head on Arthur shoulder, pouted "daddy, Mia bad ... she's hiding my robot"

Aiden Knight, my 5 years handsome boys. He is born 7 month after our wedding. I remember when my labor is coming, Arthur panic, that is the first time I saw he look like that. Usually I'm the one who nervous often. He trying to soothing me but his face look worried, scared. Especially when I feel the pain due to the contraction. He swear he will not touch me again. .

When Arthur holding baby Aiden, he crying, caressing and touching softly him. He whisper to Aiden ear softly "welcome to the world my baby, Mommy, daddy, and your big sister Mia love you so much. Remember be strong, and take care your big sister and your mommy for me will you? Together we'll unbeatable."

Aiden very similar with Arthur, he's copy of him. Only his eyes color same like me. His habit, behavior resemble with his father. When he pouted, or want something, he know how to get it. I hate how Arthur spoiled him.

When we bring Aiden home, Mia saw him for the first time, she already have connection with his brother. I know how much she want sibling. And now I just shook my head when seeing she bothering Aiden, she love Aiden face when he pouted or crying.

Aiden is favorite everyone, even Pierre adore him so much. Pierre always insist to helping me taking care of Aiden. Arthur never treat different between Aiden and Mia. He love both of them equally. 

This summer Mia will going back to the university, she stay at the dormitory. She stay with us for two month because her campus take a break. She wants to be a doctor, I supposed because of Anthony, that why she make that decision.

I never heard about my mother after out last encounter. I heard from Arthur after she's signing the paper, she leaving the city and moving to other countries. I bet because of Arthur threaten, she scared Arthur will ruin her life badly.

Billy is already married 2 years after our wedding, Sandra, she's a wonderful, kind and shy girl. She's nurse, they met accidentally when I got labor Aiden. Sandra is like my little sister, we like spend time together, especially when Mia entered her college.

Inda now living in other countries. Her husband is a diplomat. Thats why she always travelling to other countries. We keep in touch with facetime sometimes, but the worst part is sometime because of the different hours, we hardly talk.

In this lifetime, I never thought I will have second chance for my life. I always cherish every moment that I have with Mia, Arthur and Aiden. I remembered when I was with Anthony. Although I shouldn't comparing both of them. I felt sorry to Anthony, I never imagine my life if only he still alive. One and only my connection with him is only Mia, and I never regret having her as my daughter.

I know how hard our life after Anthony died and before Arthur entered our life. I never complained that. In fact, I'm happy because I learn that way. And because of that Mia now turning into a wonderful young women. She is smart, beautiful, and kind. Although his father is Arthur Knight, until now she never take advantages from his father title.

Lost in my mind, suddenly I feel hand slip in my waist, I don't have to look at the person, because I know from the scent, who it is. He kiss my neck, then I turn around and peck his lip, I put my hand on his waist.

"Baby, when is Aiden ? is he still crying" I confused,

He laugh, and pointed at the living room, I see Aiden sit there watching his favorite bubble guppies. He bite my earlobe murmured "Mrs knight, do you think we should give Aiden brother ? I hate seeing he play alone"

I raise my eyebrow "I though you said you will never touch me again after Aiden born" teasing him

He kiss me slowly, lick my lips, then said "oh baby, don't make it an execuse"

He pick me carry me bridal style, leaving Aiden and go straight to our room.

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