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Knight building is very big. It located in the middle of city, when we walk inside the building everyone looking at us. Arthur put his hand on my back, his face look cold, flat,  and back to his business mode. Not dare to make weird scene, I just stay silence, bow my head and walk following him.

He push the button, when we inside the elevator, it only just the two off us. Seems he read my mind then said "Its my private elevator, baby" I nodded without saying anything. We walk out from the elevator, I see the desk and Billy stand bow his head "Good morning Sir".

Without saying anything, Arthur come to his office, his hand still on my back. Inside his office I see a huge office, typical billionaire office. He sit in his chair then put me on his lap. Shocking with his sudden action, I gasp, he murmur in my earlobe "another my dream come true"

"Arthur, this is office, how if somebody come in?" I get scared, wishing nobody come while I sit in his lap. I heard knock from the door, hurriedly stood up, but Arthur quickly put me back to his lap and said "come in"

Billy come in, looking at us, I feel embarrassing, but Billy seems not affected, his face flat, like nothing happened. "Sir the meeting with the wedding planner is at 10, you also have to attend another meeting with Devon enterprises at 11" Billy speaks.

Arthur just nodded, then Billy put a file on the desk, walking out from the office. I stand up, walking to the couch and sit there. I see a magazine there, grabbing one and read it. Arthur back to his business mode.

I heard the intercom rings, Billy inform that the wedding planner is arrived,

"send them in" Arthur snap him.

Got up from his chair then he sit beside me. Billy knock the door, walking in with a beautiful women. We shake our hand, The wedding planner, Julia, she's friendly, I think she's very professional, no wonder Arthur use her services. Arthur said "Everything related to the wedding you can ask my girlfriend. I want everything as her wish. About price, unlimited, as long as she want and like it."

Julia just smile professional, looking at me. Arthur stand then kiss my cheek then says "baby, I have meeting, stay here with her, you can ask anything and tell her what do you want for our wedding. I'll be back okay"

When he out from his office, I looking at Julia, "so, where do we start?"

Julia is nice person, I tell her that I want simple wedding, not glamour. Julia seems understand me, she said "I already have something on my mind, I will tell you as soon as possible when I sort it. I never thought that who become Mr Knight wife is a humble person, you look different. No wonder Mr knight choose you. I just know that before Mr knight is always alone, he never bring women when he attending ball. So many women get attached with him, he is handsome, charming and women throw herself to him, but he always avoiding them. "

I dumbfounded hear that, so its true that Arthur never get closed with women. I remembered Monica, I know how desperately her. I look at Julia, try to look not affected with everything that she said. When our meeting is over I hug her, saying my best regard to her.

Sit back in the couch, lost in my mind, feeling tired, I lay my head in the couch, slowly closed my eyes. I don't recall haw long I've been sleeping, I felt someone caressing my cheek, I open my eyes, rubbing my eyes slowly and see Arthur sit next to me.

"Baby, you must be tired, why don't we going home now?" he said softly.

Because of my pregnant hormone, I'm getting tired quickly, although this time more easy to handle than I had Mia before. Agree with him, I stand then take my pursue, and we leaving his office. Arthur put his hand on my waist, securing me, when we reach the ground floor, we step from the elevator, and I see in front of his building his car waiting for us. I slide inside the car, Arthur next to me, he put his hand on my thigh, caressing it.

In the car, I asked him "Arthur why we have this wedding so sudden ?" I still don't get it why he insist our wedding so quickly. Caressing my thigh, he whisper seductive in my ear " I can't wait to make you Mrs Knight." I bit my lips, damn hormone, now I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Arrived at home, I changes my clothes, then going down to the library. I like staying there, the atmosphere make me relaxed. I pick my unfinished book in the table, and start reading it. Suddenly my phone vibrate, I read it

Melanie, how are you ? you never contact me, what kind of child are you

Its my mother, I recall my memories when the last time we spoken. The last time is when Anthony died, we argue about she want me to came back. We never get along each other, I know the reason why she want me back, she needs me to fund her. My mother like party a lot, looking rich guys, she's indeed gold digger. When I got married, I know she doesn't approved, that's why I left her.

I guess she know about me and Arthur, that's why now she looking for me. She wants money, fame. I sigh, I hate thinking how Arthur will reacted when he know about this. Should I tell him ? or keep this secret from him ?

Drowning with my thought, Arthur slip his hand into my shoulder, kissing my back head. "Baby, I called you 5 times, don't you hear me ? Is something happened ?

I take a deep breath, I realize never keep a secret from him. From the first time I know him, I never lie, or hiding something from him.

"Baby, my mother just contacted me, I can't get close with her, she's gold digger, I know why she contacted me, she need money, fame, I guess she know that you're a billionaire, and she wants to take advantages from you" I give him my phone. My eyes suddenly teary, I hold my book tight, to hold back my tears.

He reads the messages, his face look seriously, he seems in deep thought, he put back the phone on the table, then he cup my face

"Sweetheart, leave it to me, I will solve the problem, don't think too hard. I love you, you are mine, remember ? No one mess with everything mine."He said sternly

I nodded then put my head on his chest, my tears falling down. I know my mother will do anything to reach her goal and now I really scared thinking what her plans.

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