The Throne Room

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"Have you heard any news yet?" You ask Thranduil, who was sitting on his throne.

"Not yet." He said. His beautiful face was tainted by a troubled gaze.

You sighed and leaned up against him.

You had been back at Mirkwood for about a month now, and the troubling feeling you had felt in Erebor had only grown stronger. Thranduil had ears everywhere, listening for news if something but days and weeks past with nothing.

"Have you received news from Legolas?" you asked, he decided to stay at Erebor a while longer.

Thranduil shook his head.

"Okay well, I cannot sit here any longer and wait for something horrid to happen. We may be immortal, but that doesn't mean I want to waste any time like this." You say standing up, and stretching your legs.

You felt like you had been setting there for days.
You and Thranduil had fallen into this routine of waking up, waiting in the throne room for news, then going back to bed.
He had been very distant since you both returned to Mirkwood, and you desperately wished to close that distance.
You wanted your Thranduil back.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" he asked, looking to you expectantly.

"Well we haven't really done any..... couple stuff since we've been back, aside to things in the bedroom." You smile at him.

"Couple stuff?" he asks, a small smile was spreading across his perfect lips as well.

"I just really need to go somewhere other than here." You let out a frustrated sigh, as you motioned around you to the Throne room.

"You do not have to spend your days in here. You can do other things." He says, slightly taken aback.

"I cannot do anything as long as I know that you are worried." You say, your smile long gone.

"I am king. It is my job to worry." He said softly.

"I know, but you can't just sit on your throne and wait for a disaster that may or may not happen." You object.

"Should I spend my days just frolicking through gardens with you, instead of looking out for my people?" he looked at you, awaiting your response.

"No, but frolicking once and a while wouldn't hurt." You mumbled and a soft chuckle escaped his mouth.

"You never cease to amaze me." He says, reaching out to place his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"How so?" you ask, putting your arms around his neck.

"You can make me smile, even when I am in the worst mood." He grins, planting a soft kiss on your cheek.

"I love you" you say, sitting on his lap.

He looked conflicted for a moment and then added. "You might change your mind about that after I tell you something."

"What" you say, fearing the worst.

"Well, I have invited your family to dinner.. tonight." He said boldly.

"What? They haven't even spoken to me since our return!" you were frantic.
Most of the elf kingdom didn't like the idea of your being with the king since you were with the prince. And you and Thranduil didn't exactly hide your relationship. You saw no point, and you didn't quite care what anyone else thought.

"I know that they aren't happy about us, and I really want to smooth things over." He said giving you a pleading look.

"I would rather dine with Orcs." You huff.

"Believe me, I would too." He retorts.

"I've been just fine without them. They have never approved of me anyways. I do not think they will start now." You made an awful face, as though you tasted something sour.

"Just please try to behave tonight." He said softly.

"Only if they will." You snort.

"If not then I won't ever try to mend things with them again." He strokes your hair, and kisses your head gently.

"Just thinking about being in the same room with them sours my stomach." You groan
,leaning into him.

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