Chapter 21: Whipped

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"Jisung?" Chan called for the younger, who was sitting on his bed, scrolling on his phone

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"Jisung?" Chan called for the younger, who was sitting on his bed, scrolling on his phone. Receiving no answer from him, Chan came closer to him, interested in what he was doing, and saw that he was checking out the official page for Peppa Pig on Instagram.

"Are you serious?" he suddenly spoke, scaring Jisung.

"Oh, hi! When did you arrive?" Jisung formally asked, hiding his phone.

Chan laughed.

"I can explain!" Jisung hurriedly spoke, "Peppa Pig is-"

"It's fine," he was still laughing.

"Don't let this information leak!"

Chan smilingly answered, "Okay, okay."

"Why are you so happy today?" Jisung questioned, flipping off his phone to another corner of the bed and turning towards Chan.

At that, the leader blushingly grinned, and then spoke, "Thank you."


"Thanks for introducing me to that app."

"Wait, what...? OH, MY GOD, ARE YOU TWO...?"

"Yes, we're dating!" Chan exclaimed like a little kid, and Jisung's eyes lit up.

"Tell me everything!"

"Why are you like one of those typical girl best friends?"

"I don't care! I wanna know everything!" Jisung grabbed Chan's arm and dragged him to the bed, making him forcefully sit in front of him.

"So basically, she accidentally let out that she likes me, and the we talked on the phone and, like," he chuckled fondly, "she really feels the same for me as I do for her."

They heard a gasp coming from the door, and turned to look at Hyunjin standing in the doorway, bringing a hand up to his mouth in ultra slow-motion, while his eyes were wide as saucers.

"Now when did you arrive?" Jisung deadpanned.

Chan wanted to sigh, but he was too happy to waste his energy like that.

"Our Channie is all grown up!" Hyunjin cried fake tears, wiping them from the corners of his eyes.

"You're so dramatic," Chan shook his head, the smile still not off his face.

"You know what? This deserves a pizza party!" Hyunjin proclaimed.

"Did someone say 'pizza'?" Another head peaked into the room, and this time, it was Felix who had joined the conversation.

"What are we celebrating, though?" Seungmin walked towards them, and within minutes, the entire group was in the room, crowding it fully.

"All of you," Jisung stood on the bed, appearing to be taller than everyone, "You need to thank me."

"For what?" Changbin asked.

"Remember how I made Channie sign up for that app?"

"Yeah, that weird named app," Jeongin cringed.

"Because of me, and that app, Chan is now dating!" Jisung bowed in front of everyone just the way a performer bows after his performance.

"Wait, what?"

"Are you serious?!"

"Oh, my days!"

Chan could only be flustered at that point.


Aisha could only be flustered at that point.

Watching clips of Chan on the internet – of him singing on one of his lives – made her want to talk to him face-to-face. Even though her confidence level about meeting him was next to zero, she wanted to look into those brown eyes and lose herself in them; to hold those hands and feel his warmth; to just be with him.

It might be too early to be asking that, but she couldn't suffice only seeing and talking to him virtually.

She watched the already-recorded live as Chan stared at the camera, almost giving her a feeling that he was really locking eyes with her. Her daydream collapsed when he averted his eyes to speak something, but his voice...

She was whipped for him, and she didn't even know when that had happened.

Next chapter:


Does daddy suit you?


Of course, babygirl

(a/n: I love writing Hyunjin's parts because that's exactly what I do at times) 

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