Chapter 42: Ray Of Hope

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(trigger warning) 

It was all white. The blinding lights, the color displayed obnoxiously loudly, the head that lacked thoughts. It was all white.

Aisha stirred, very slowly opening her eyes to adjust to the white background of the hospital room. Her head throbbed with agony, as if a truck had hit her head to cause such pain. She whimpered, and that's when she heard a familiar voice, "Aisha?"

She tried to turn her head towards the source of voice, which was a man she had come to like so much, sitting by the side of her hospital bed, clutching her hand. Her other hand had tubes attached to it, and when she tried to move it, it stung, making her wince.

"Are you okay?" it was his voice again, but it sounded cracked.

She turned towards Chan, only to see him crying.

"...Chan..." she croaked out in a cracked voice, coughing to clear her throat.

"Aisha, why did you do that?" Chan spoke through his tears, rubbing the back of her hand with his.

"..." she didn't answer, and Chan wiped his tears to call the doctor. Once the man with the lab coat checked her and approved her health condition, he left, leaving her some pain killers.

Chan sat down next to her bed on the stool, and held her free hand again, and in a suffocated voice, he asked, "How could you do that to me? How could you do that to yourself?"

"I'm sorry, Chan," she choked on a sob, her memories rushing back to her.

"How could you take an overdose of your insomnia medicines?"

"I didn't mean to..." Aisha slowly spoke, seeing the tears fall from Chan's eyes again.

"Why did you do it?" he questioned in a low voice.

Reminiscing about the events that had happened the previous day came back to her, and tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she said, "It might sound stupid."

"Tell me, please?" he whispered to her, rubbing her hand again.

Aisha's voice was thick when she started, "My parents are sort of... orthodox, if I may say. They never appreciated me for my artistic skills because they didn't see a future for me in it. They would forbid me for going to meet friends, to paint, to date someone. But I never listened to them. I always wanted to follow my dreams, but... I wanted to-to make them proud too."

Tears slipped from her eyes as she continued, "I ran away a few years ago, and we haven't really talked ever since. I had initially planned on making a name in the industry and returning to them. But that didn't happen."

Aisha breathed hard as the dreadful part came up, and Chan listened intently, "Yesterday, when I came back from your place, my dad called me and yelled at me for dating an idol, and he... he even told me that he was ashamed of me. I tried explaining to him, but he worsened things when he hung up and-and never picked the call... I never take my insomnia meds, but I just wanted to fall asleep, Chan. I wanted to do anything but to ignore what my dad had said. I just wanted to sleep and... and something came over me and I... and I took too many. I didn't' intend to do this, I s-swear!"

She was loudly crying by now, and Chan leaned over her and hugged her tightly, feeling his tears slip from his eyes onto her shoulders. She sobbed in his chest, wetting his shirt. They stayed in that position for a moment, and then parted when they had to wipe their tears.

He kissed her forehead and spoke, "It's okay, Aisha. It's okay. You'll get through this. We will get through this together, alright?"

"But how? He hates me! My own father hates me, and I just... I can't come to terms with it. I just wanted to make him proud, but look where we are now..." she spoke hopelessly.

"We'll find a way out, I promise."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

She cracked a smile at him, and it almost felt like it had been an eternity ever since he had seen her smile. After such a dreadful time, seeing her smile filled hope in him, like everything was really going to be okay for them; like everything would be back to normal.

He hoped it would be.

"Now you rest. The boys are out in the hallway, I'll tell them you're alright."

"They're here?" she asked.

"Yes, I called them. Is that okay?"

"Of course, but tell them I'm sorry that I worried you all," she bit her lip, and Chan fondly smiled at her.

"It's not your fault, baby. Let's hope that you'll be out of here soon."

She nodded, knowing how he was her ray of hope. As long as they were together, it was going to be just fine.

Next chapter:

Jisung smirked, "You guys really are desperate for being praised? Hah, the joke's on you, because it was my idea to let Channie use that app and-"

"Can you stop? We've heard that so many times that I once heard it in my dreams," Changbin sighed in annoyance.


Y'all really in love with Aisha but let's be honest, who isn't? And don't worry, the cuteness of the story will be back)

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