Chapter 5 - The movie date

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Let's say Ash caught: Grookey,Sobble,Gengar,Dragonite,Riolu, and Farfatch'd (Galar form).

And let's say Gou caught: some Pokémons.

Let's say that Greninja is Riolu's father cause, Riolu thinks that Ash's Greninja is his dad.

Ash and Gou are getting ready for the movie.

Ash: Greninja, your in charge of taking care of the pokémons. Ordered Ash.

Greninja: Greninja! (Ok!) Accepted Greninja.

Ash: Me and Gou are going to watch a movie while, you guys behave. Explained Ash.

Proffesser Sakuragi: Don't worry Ash, i will help Greninja take care of the Pokémons. Smiled Proffesser Sakuragi.

Ash: Ok! Repiled Ash

Ash and Gou are walking down the streets to the movies.

Ash: What movies are we gonna watch? Asked Ash.

Gou: We're gonna watch Matilda. Answered Gou with a smile and a blush.

Ash: I've never heard of that movie before. Repiled Ash.

Arriving at the cinema....
Gou brought two tickets: One for him, and one for Ash (Gou's crush).

Ash and Gou also brought some popcorns and drinks for them.

Ash and Gou sat on the back of the seat (In the cinema).

Ash: Gou! Called Ash.

Gou: Yes? Responded Gou.

Ash: Umm.... Why are we seating in the back? Questioned Ash.

Gou: So that..... We could see the movie much better *Waterdrop*. Blushed Gou.

Ash: Ok! Agreed Ash.

The film started.

Gou: The film is starting! Said Gou.

Ash and Gou are enjoying their movie together.

Gou is happy that he has gone on a date with Ash.

Gou: *Thinking* This is going to be the best date ever! Thought Gou with a smile and a blush.

After the movie....
Ash and Gou went back to Proffesser Sakuragi's lab.

Ash: We're home! Called Ash.

Will anyone ever notice Koharu?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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