Chapter 30 - Dark Ash and Blue's love

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Attention: If you don't ship these guys. I suggest you to skip that  chapter.

Ghetsis hired Blue after being impressed by his pokémon stealing skills.

Ghetsis: Welcome to the team, Blue! You will be partnered with Dark Ash. Smiled Ghetsis.

Blue: Thank you, Mr Ghetsis! I appreciate that! Smiled Blue.

Ghetsis: We're gonna keep it a secret that Gou and Ash didn't need to know. Smirked Ghetsis.

Blue: Yeah! Agreed Blue.

Lilligrant: Lilligrant!

Dark Ash and his partner, Dark Greninja came.

Dark Ash immediately fell in love with Blue and Blue, fell in love with Dark Ash.

Dark Greninja and Lilligrant fell in love with each other too.

Ghetsis became a shipper.

He's not the only one who's a shipper but also, Dr. Colress,The grunts,the couples (Aldith and Barred) also became a shipper too.

Dr. Colress: 🎵The ship sails🎵! Sanged Dr. Colress with joy.

All the grunts were all cheering with the gay ship.

Now, their is a new ship called: Dark Ash x Blue and Dark Greninja x Lilligrant.

Dark Ash and Blue helds each others hands.

And Lilligrant and Dark Greninja also, helds each others hands too.

Dark Ash and Blue became a gay couple.

And, Dark Greninja and Lilligrant became a couple too.

Do you like this new ship?
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Will Team Plasma keep a secret from Ash and Gou that, Blue became a member of Team Plasma and is Dark Ash's Boyfriend?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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