Chapter 45 - Danger of the talky talk

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It was 1:30 pm....
Lillie went outside the Pokémon school to meet Gou.

Gou: Follow me! Said Gou.

Lillie: Ok! Accepted Lillie.

Lillie followed Gou to the wild.

Gou: Stand over there. Pointed Gou.

Lillie standed on what Gou is pointing.

Gou wears his gloves and took the knife out of his bag.

Gou: Here's a surprise! Shouted Gou.

Gou stabbed Lillie on the back neck and Lillie fainted with blood coming out of her neck. Gou immediately hid the body so that no one can see Lillie's body.

Gou puts his knife and gloves away.

Gou then, took out his notebook and a red marker pen and, crossed Lillie face.

Before Gou could go back to the Pokémon school, someone patted him behind the back.

Gou looked around and saw a mysterious Boy.

Gou: Who are you? Asked Gou.

Gladion: I'm Gladion, Ash's rival! Introduced Gladion.

Gladion: Congratulations on killing my sister, whoever you are. Laughed Gladion.

Gou: Thanks.... I guess. Gou said.

Gladion: Since you killed my sister, i could finally spend some love time with Ash. Smiled Gladion.

Gou gasped in shock.

Gladion: I gotta go! Thank you killer. Laughed Gladion.

Gou: *Thinking* What?! He could finally have some love time with Ash? But, he is Ash's rival! How comes he wanted to have some love time with Ash? Grrr! Ash is already mine and no one is allowed to flirt with my boy but, me. Thought Gou in angier.

Gladion is Gou's next Target.

What love time will Gladion spend on Ash?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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