Chapter 21 - Give me Ash's voice

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Ash,Gou,Sawyer,and their Pokémons are in the Park, in Kalos.

Their Pokémons are playing in the park while, the boys aresitting in the bench talking.

Gou: Ash, could we go home? Asked Gou with a smile.

Ash: Why? Repiled Ash.

Gou: Cause, i'm bored! Lied Gou.

Ash: No Gou, let's stay in Kalos for about another 3 days. Disagreed Ash.

Gou: Argh! Sighted Gou.

Sawyer: Hey Ash! Called Sawyer.

Ash turned around and looked at Sawyer.

Ash: Yes Sawyer? Responded Ash.

Sawyer: Your Alola's new champion, right? Questioned Sawyer.

Ash: Yes! Answered Ash.

Ash: How did you know? Asked Ash.

Sawyer: Well, i saw you on TV that, you have beated the Proffesser and became the champion. Explained Sawyer.

Ash: Oh yes! I did beat Proffesser Kukui! Smiled Ash.

Gou started to get jealous cause, Ash is spending too much time on Sawyer.

Gou: *Thinking* Argh! Why did you steal Ash from me? Thought Gou.

Gou: Ash! Called Gou.

Ash turned around and looked at Gou.

Ash: Not now Gou, i'm busy talking to Sawyer. Repiled Ash.

Gou: B-But....

Ash: No buts, i will talk to you when i finished talking to Sawyer. Explained Ash

Gou: *Thinking* You piece of ......

Then, a book came out of nowhere and hits Gou.

Gou: Ouch! Said Gou.

Gou: What was that for?! Shouted Gou.

Me: HEY! You do not swear in one of my fan-books! I shouted.

Gou: Why? Gou repiled.

Me: Cause,i don't feel comfortable with innaporiate language. I like to make it friendly amd suitable for all ages! I explained.

Gou: Oh.. Ok! I'm sorry, i will never do that again! Waterdropped Gou.

Me: Thank you! Then i disappeared.


Gou started to get even more angry that, he is ready to kill Sawyer.

What will Gou do to eliminate Sawyer?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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