Chapter 38 - Getting ready for the movie

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Ash and Gou are getting ready to see the movie.

Gou: I can't wait too see the new movie. Smiled Gou.

Ash: Me too! Agreed Ash.

Raboot: Raboot! (I wanna see Chin Chan Punch Kunch.) Cried Raboot.

Gou turned around and looked at Raboot.

Gou: SHUT UP RABOOT! No one wants to see this violent movie. Shouted Gou in angier.

Gou: If you say you wanna see this violent movie... I will punch you in the face. Whispered Gou.

Ash heard it and slapped Gou in the back.

Gou: Ow!

Ash: Gou! Don't abuse Pokémons! Do you know the Pokémon laws? Shouted Ash.

Gou: Yeah... Never ever abuse animals. Answered Gou.

Just wanna tell you guys... Don't abuse animals, it's against the law we don't want any animals to get abused. #Saveanimals

Anyways back to the story....

After they are finished...

Ash: Ok Everyone! Let's go to the movies. Shouted Ash.

Movies let's go!!!!

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

Sorry if it's short guys.

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