Chapter 29 - Washy Washy! Go away!

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Ash and Gou are taking care of their Pokémons.

Gou still wanted Ash's attention.

Gou: *Thinking* Ash needs to think about me instead of his stupid rivals. Thought Gou

After taking care of their Pokémons....
Gou went up to Ash and asked him.

Gou: Ash! Called Gou.

Ash: Yes Gou? Answered Ash.

Gou: Do you wanna go to the lake and watch me catch some water-type Pokémons? Decided Gou.

Ash: Sure! I love seeing you catch some Water-type Pokémons. Accepted Ash.

Gou: Great! We will go tomorrow! Smiled Gou.

Ash: Ok! Agreed Ash.

Then, Ash went inside the lab with his partners (Greninja and Pikachu).

Gou jumped around and was very happy that he asked Ash to come with him.

Raboot sighted.

Raboot: Raboot! (Your an idiot Gou). Said Raboot.

Gou: WhAt DiD YoU SaY?! Shouted Gou.

Raboot: Raboot! (I said, You and Ash will be a great couples). Lied Raboot.

Gou: Thank you! Smiled Gou.

Gou: If you ever say something bad about me then, i will slay you. Whispered Gou.

Raboot nodded and promised not to ever say something bad about Gou.

Will it be a good trip?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

Bonus part:

Gou started to make fun of Nathan Kaka for: NOT Being a great Yandere boy just like him.

Gou: I am great! Unlike Nathan Kaka, he is always nervous around Ceo-Neo he doesn't know what to do. Why can't he ask her 'Oh hey, Ceo-Neo! Do you wanna come to my house and play with me' Ha! He can't do this,he can't do that,he can't do anything. All he does was kill people instaed of asking his crush out. If he was just like Yuno then, he would be a great Yandere-boy like me but instead, he has the personality of Ayano Aishi. Smirked Gou.

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