Chapter 13 - Sinnoh Ice race

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GouThePro GouxAsh changed his name into GoThePro so, go and check him out. The profile is still the same though.

Ash,Gou,and their partners arrived at the 'Sinnoh ice race'.

Greninja is holding Riolu and Pikachu is on Ash's shoulder.

Ash: Wow! We're gonna see those pokèmons race. Surprised Ash.

Pikachu: Pikachu! (Wow!)

Greninja: Greninja! (Amazing!)

Riolu: Riolu! (Cool!)

Gou: Yeah! And i can sit next to you! Smiled Gou.

Raboot: Raboot! (I wanna watch too!)

Then, Blue and his partner, Toxel came.

Ash: It's Blue! Shouted Ash.

Ash: Hi Blue! Waved Ash.

Greninja: Greninja! (Hi, Blue and Toxel.) Waved Greninja.

Pikachu: Pika! (Hello, Blue and Toxel!) Waved Pikachu.

Riolu: Riolu! (Hello!) Waved Riolu.

Raboot: Raboot! (Hi!) Waved Raboot.

Gou: *Thinking* That stupid idiot! Why can't he just leave me alone, so that i can spend more time with Ash? Glared Gou.

Blue: Hi! Waved Blue.

Toxel: To To To! (Hello! Hello! Hello!) Waved Toxel.

Blue hugged Ash and Ash hugged back.

But, Gou started to get jealous and more angry.

He is just like Yuno Gasai. When ever someone kisses Yuki, Yuno goes crazy/nuts and she kills the person.

 When ever someone kisses Yuki, Yuno goes crazy/nuts and she kills the person

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Similar things happens to Gou. When ever someone hugs,filrts,touch,or kiss Ash Gou will go nuts/crazy and kill the person who did romantic things to Ash.

Back to the story.

Gou: Grrrrr! DIE!!! Shouted Gou.

Ash: Calm down, Gou! Look i have an idea: You two can sit between me so that, you two can be happy. Decided Ash.

Gou and Blue sat between Ash. Pikachu sat on Ash's lap,Greninja sat on the chair,Toxel sat on Blue's lap,Raboot sat on Gou's lap,and Riolu sat on Greninja's lap.

The Sinnoh Ice race show started.

After the show....
The boys and their pokémons returned to Kanto and waved goodbye.

But, Gou is still planning to kill Blue.

Will Gou plan to kill Blue 100%?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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