Chapter 18 - Mega-Evolution show

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The boys arrived at the Mega-evolution show.

Alain and Gou sat between Ash.

Gou: *Thinking* You can't touch my Ash. Thought Gou.

Pikachu sat on Ash's lap.

Raboot sat on Gou's lap.

Greninja sat next to Gou.

And Riolu sat on Greninja's Lap.

Alain: The show is going to start soon. Said Alain.

Ash: I can't wait! Smiled Ash.

While Nobody is looking at what Gou is doing.

Gou puts in the Chocking pills on Alain's popcorn.

Gou: *Thinking* I hope you chock to death Alain. Gou death-stared at Alain.

The show started.

Their are lots of Pokémon mega evolving.

Alain ate his popcorn not knowing that theirs something in his popcorn.

Alain started chocking.

Ash: Alain! Called Ash.

Alain is starting to chock even more.

Ash: Oh no! Alain is chocking! Shouted Ash.

The show stopped and the peoples (Except Gou) started to panic, including their Pokémons.

Man: 911? Yes! A guy is chocking to death. Called the man.

Blue: What's going on? Said Blue.

Ash: Blue! Called Ash.

Gou: *Thinking* How the heck did he came to the show. Frustrated Gou.

The ambulance came but, it's too late: Alain is already dead.

The Mega-evolution show was now canceled.

Gou hid on the trees,opened his notebook,gets his red pen out,and crosses Alain's face,and then wrote: Mega idiot wanted to steal my boyfriend's colour. Then, he puts it away.

Gou went to Ash and hugged him.

Gou: Don't worry Ash, maybe we could go and watch the stars tonight. Decided Gou.

Will Gou tell Ash that he murdered Alain?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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