Chapter 15 - Can't have, can have

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Ash is training his Pokémons.

And Gou is planning on his second date with Ash.

Gou: What will the next date be? Asked Gou to himself.

Raboot: Raboot!

Gou: Hmm... Maybe, we could go to Kalos to watch the Mega-evolution. Planned Gou.

Gou thinks of what he could take with him.

Gou: I would get some snacks. Oh! And also: Some weapons in case, someone tries to flirt with Ash. Added Gou.

Raboot: Raboot! (Uh,Gou? Why are you taking weapons? Is it like: Someone wanted to kill or kidnap Ash?) Questioned Raboot

Gou: It's none of your business. Repiled Gou.

Gou: Now, Shut up! And let me pack my things with me! Shouted Gou.

Raboot: *Thinking* Raboot! (God!) Thought Raboot.

Gou is packing his things.

Meanwhile with Ash....
Ash and his pokémons finished training, and decided to have a little break.

(Ash's) Rotom-Phone: Message incoming! Message Incoming! Called the (Ash's) Rotom-Phone.

Ash: A Message? From who? Said Ash.

Ash looked at his Rotom-Phone and saw: It's was a message from his Kalos rival, Alain.

Alain: Dear Ash, would you like to come to Kalos and watch the Mega-evolution show? It's so fun to watch the battle and stuff. From your Kalos rival, Alain. Noted Alain.

Ash: Sure! I will also bring my new (Gou) friend with me. Texted Ash.

Alain: Amazing! See you tomorrow, Ash! Texted Alain.

Alain is offline.

Ash: I'm gonna tell Gou that we are going to Kalos. Decided Ash.

Ash went to his and Gou's doom and told Gou that they are going to Kalos: To watch the mege-evolution show.

Will Gou respect Alain?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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