Chapter 39 - Going to the Cinema

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Ash,Gou,and their Pokémons arrived at the cinema.

Before i could Countinue, I just wanna warn to you guys: DON'T BRING PETS/ANIMALS IN THE CINEMA cause, they would interrupt the movie and the people, in the cinema would get upset about it.

Anyways, back to the story...

They brought tickets,popcorns,and some drinks and entered the movie.

Everyone sat down.

Greninja sat on the chair,Ash sat on the chair,and Gou sat on the chair too.

Riolu sat on Greninja's lap,Pikachu sat on Ash's lap and, Raboot sat on Gou's lap.

Ash: I can't wait to see the movie. Excited Ash.

Gou: Me too! Smiled Gou.

The boy sat in the front seat turned around, and saw Ash.

???: Hey! You must be Ash Alola's Champion? Questioned the boy.

Ash: Yes i am! Smiled Ash.

Quip Trams: My name is Quip Trams and this is my partner, Metang! Introduced Quip Trams.

Metang: Metang! (Hi!) Waved Metang.

Gou started to get jealous.

Gou took a picture of Quip while, Quip is too busy talking to Ash. He went under,glued Quip's picture on his notebook,wrote his name and puts his notebook back.

Gou: *Thinking* Here is my new victim. Thought Gou.

Ash: The movies starting! Shouted Ash.

Everyone is watching the movie.

What will Gou do to Quip after watching the movie?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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