'So baby if you say you want me to stay, I'll change my mind. Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away, if you'll be mine.'
Jaden x Chase
Chase's POV
"Chase, Chase wake up!" I felt someone shaking me while practically yelling in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with Jaden's face and blinding lights shining from behind him.
I blinked a few times, letting my eyes get adjusted, and realized that we were at McDonalds. Jaden, finally noticing that I was awake, started to poke my arm.
"Jae, why are we here? And stop with the poking!" He dropped his arm down, unlocking the doors about to hop out before turning around.
"Tonight was the last night of the Lights Out tour. We had a party to celebrate, but you fell asleep on my lap at like, 11:30." After he said this, everything clicked into place.
Jaden and I had met during the tour and instantly became best friends. About half the way through L.O., we realized that we had feelings for each other and started dating.
By the end of the tour, we had become closer than ever and were dreading the day that this would all be over.
Unfortunately, that day would be tomorrow, so we vowed to spend every last second together. Jaden climbed out of the car and came around to my side, opening the door and pulling me out.
We walked into the empty McDonalds, just ordering a large fry and a 20pc nugget to share. Once we got our food, Jaden found us a two seat table.
We ate and talked about anything that came to mind, treasuring the moments we had left with each other before tomorrow morning when I went back to Stockton.
My mom wasn't letting me live in LA until I was 18(pretend he's still 17), so after the tour I had to go back and wait out the 10 months until my next birthday.
We were going to do long distance and visit when we could, but Jaden was busy. He's about to release his first single in a few weeks.
As we finished eating, Jaden grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes. He let a long sigh, a small smile covering his face.
"I'm gonna miss you soo much bubba."
"I'll miss you too Jae, but we'll make it work. You aren't even that far away." He nodded, standing up and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
We left the McDonalds and took a long drive before returning to our air bnb at 3:00 AM. The day would soon be filled with goodbyes and lots of hugs.
Jaden had agreed to drive me back to Stockton, so I had a road trip to look forward to. The minute my head hit the pillow I fell asleep, snuggled into Jaden's chest.
Jaden's POV
I watched as Chase brought our stuff downstairs while I made breakfast for everyone in our group. This was it. The very last day.
The smell of good food instead of takeout must've woke everyone up because soon, the kitchen filled up with people.
I listened in as Griffin talked about making some kind of content house. Others even brainstormed names, but I was pretty sure the house wouldn't even happen.
"Alright! It's done, come and get it." Immediately, everyone rushed over and grabbed my amazing cooking. I looked in shock at the once full plate of pancakes that sat empty.
"Oh no you don't! Everybody give me at least one of your pancakes." They groaned and reluctantly removed a pancake from their stacks.
I sat down with everyone to eat, placing my hand on Chase's thigh. He jumped a little, making me smirk and continue to eat innocently.
After washing dishes, we all filmed some final tiktoks before the worst moment came. We exchanged hugs and shed a few tears as everyone piled into cars to go home or to the airport.
"You ready Chase?" He nodded grabbing my hand while carrying his stuff. I picked up my duffel bag and walked with him to my car.
We drove in a comfortable silence.. The song on the radio, When I See You Again by Charlie Puth, really fitting the mood.
Chase had fallen asleep about 30 minutes ago, so whenever I got the chance, I'd sneak a glance at him.
We had the most amazing summer together, and I was sad to see it end. Long distance was gonna be hard, but Chase was worth it.
I hadn't told him yet, but I was in love with him. I knew I was since the first time I met him. I can still remember his baggy jeans and small blush.
"Make a right in 0.7 miles and your destination will be on the left." The GPS lady said. I made the turn and pulled into Chase's driveway.
"Chase, baby, we're here." He woke up, taking in his surroundings. He launched himself at me, wrapping his arms around my neck.
I pulled him onto my lap and wrapped my arms around his waist. Chase connected our lips as we kissed slowly and passionately.
He pulled away resting his forehead on mine. Just then, I noticed the tears falling from his eyes.
"No, don't cry Chasey. I promise we will facetime tonight, ok?" He nodded as I wiped his tears way with my thumb.
"I love you Chase." Oops! Oh well, it was out now. He looked up at me, a hopeful look on his face.
"You do?"
"Of course I do, I have since the moment I met you." A big smile covered his face as he kissed me again.
"I love you too Jaden." I smiled back, noticing his mom standing at the door and waving at us.
"There's your mom, I guess you better go."
"Walk me in?"
He grabbed his things and started towards the house. I followed, trying to hold myself together.
"Welcome home Chase! Hope you had fun." Chase and his mom talked while I introduced myself to his dad.
After putting his things in his room, we hugged and kissed and shared strings of 'I love you' and 'I'll miss you'.
One final kiss, then I made my way out the door and to the car. I plopped down in the seat and slammed the door shut.
I sat there for a few minutes, processing everything. Just as I reached for my phone, I heard a knock on the window.
"Jae, can you please stay, just for the night." I grinned, hopping out and engulfing Chase in a hug.
That night, Chase and I spent every moment together. Watching movies, cooking, talking. Anything we could think of. I was so glad to have this extra day with him.
I am so happy that I changed my mind.
A/N Thanks again for the support, it really means a lot. Leave any suggestions/requests in the comments, but the next one will be grio.

TikTok BxB/GxG Oneshots (Inspired by 1D Songs)
FanfictionA collection of different oneshots inspired by One Direction songs. 《Requests Closed》