Gotta Be You

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'Can we fall, one more time. Stop the tape, and rewind. If you walk away I know I'll fade cause there is nobody else. Its gotta be you.'

Josh x Jaden

Jaden's POV

Josh and I had been getting into arguments over the same thing everyday. He was being to protective.

At first, I thought it was cute how he didn't want other guys around me. Now, I realized he had lost one of the most important things in a relationship.


I had never cheated on him or given him a reason to think I was. Sure I got close to other guys to tease him, but I wouldn't take it too far.

He always told me I couldn't do anything to make him mad, but lately, mad is all he was.

Every time I got home from the recording studio a little later than usual, he would send me suspicious looks or ask a million questions.

And I had caught him going through my phone once or twice after getting out of the shower.

I told him that it was an invasion of privacy, but he just insisted I had something to hide.

So here we are, fighting once again over the fact that he was really over protective.

"Maybe if you listened to me instead of making up your own story you would understand!" I yelled at him.

"I am listening to you and all I here are excuses!" Josh retaliated.

"I'm not making excuses, your just being a jerk about it." A look of pure rage filled his eyes as the words left my mouth.

"I don't want you hanging out with those guys anymore."

"You're not the boss of me. You don't just get to choose who I'm friends with." I said, taking a step back and looking at the floor.

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't all over them all the time."

"Just because we're close doesn't mean we're that close." Josh frowned, crossing his arms like a pouty 4 year old.

"Well how would I know?" He mumbled.

I sighed, "Have I ever given you any reason to doubt me?"


"If you can't trust that I love you and only you, then maybe this relationship isn't working out." He immediately looked up, his face changing from anger to fear.

"I do trust's just..." He trailed off causing me to sigh again.

"It's just what Josh?"

He didn't answer, instead he stood up and began pacing around the room, a look of contemplation on his face.

"Well, its settled then. Unless you can tell me why you've been acting so jealous lately, I'm leaving."

I walked to our closet and grabbed a backpack, stuffing in some random clothes that would last me about a week.

"Wait, no. Jaden I-I..." I didn't stop packing.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Josh said. Damn straight it is.

"I know this isn't a good excuse, but I've been getting so much hate on tiktok for dating you.

Everyone says you're too good for me and I think the same way. But that makes me think that you'll leave me one day, and looks like you are."

I turned around and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, burying his face in my neck.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered. Josh just sobbed into my shoulder, soaking my shirt.

I rubbed small circles on his back, hoping it would help him calm down. Soon, his breathing evened out and he let go of me.

"I was worried that you would realize you really weren't good enough for me."

"Oh Joshie! You've got it all wrong. You're too good for me." I said, bringing him into another hug.

We stood like that for the next 10 minutes. Just mending our broken bond through a much needed hug.

"I love you Jae." He whispered.

"I love you more Josh"

A/N: Kind of short, but oh well. This was loosely inspired by my bestie telling me that this is her world and I'm living in it. Also, about to start a bloah book called 'Flower Crown', so I'll let you know when the first chapter is published. Smoches😘

Next Chapter: Back For You

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